


CReDo: Data Sharing Principles Framework and Architecture

CReDo (The Climate Resilience Demonstrator) has potential to realise benefits across the infrastructure network.

Opportunities for UK SMEs in the Indian Electric Two- And Three-Wheel Micromobility Market

This report supports Connected Places Catapult’s knowledge-sharing programme for UK SMEs looking to enter the Indian E2/3W vehicle ecosystem by partnering with Indian companies.

Zero emission Airports (ZEA)

Decarbonising airport operations and developing the infrastructure to support zero-emission flight.

Maritime Innovation Flagship Programme: Future Fuels Blueprint 

The maritime sector faces several challenges in transitioning to net zero fuel use. Joined up decarbonisation planning across key stakeholder groups is needed to enable the successful adoption of future fuels. 

UK-Taiwan Innovation Twins for Net Zero report

The Innovation Twins Programme is an initiative designed to foster strategic collaborations between cities across international borders. It facilitates the exchange of innovations, investments, and technology trials, enabling partner cities to tackle shared challenges and promote sustainable urban development.

Advancing Inclusivity in Micromobility

The expansion of Micromobility in the UK, with the introduction of many shared bike and scooter schemes, alongside e-cargo bikes for transporting freight, offers significant opportunities to reduce carbon emissions, while delivering substantial benefits to public health, transport accessibility and the economy.

Unlocking the Potential of Rates Retention for Freeports & Investment Zones

This paper sets out the potential for Retained Business Rates (RBRs) to be utilised to fund infrastructure or support on-site developments to accelerate economic growth in Freeports (FPs), in particular and where applicable Business Rates Retention (BRR) for Investment Zones (IZs) and their surrounding areas, as part of wider regional place based economic growth.

Home Retrofit for Public Health and Climate Resilience

A programme blueprint to achieving better outcomes for communities.

UK-Japan Innovation Twins for Net Zero Report

The Innovation Twins Programme is an initiative designed to foster strategic collaborations between cities and regions across international borders.

Aviation Futures: an interactive journey through space and time

The airport experience for passengers will transform over time with technological advancements in airport infrastructure, operations and design.

Zero-Emission Heavy Goods Vehicles Safety and Security

Safety and security of refuelling our vehicles should not be taken for granted. While this work happens largely behind the scenes, the measures recommended in the Report should be implemented to make operations as safe as possible.

Using AI-Based Technology to Enhance Outcomes on the NHS Discharge to Assess (D2A) Process

This whitepaper discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) technology can improve care at home following patient discharge on the ‘Discharge to Assess’ (D2A) model.

Beyond City Limits: Realising the Opportunities of Non-Urban Innovation

Discover the Untapped Potential of UK Innovation

Project Skyway Stakeholder Engagement Report

Flying drones beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) unlocks a wider array of applications and holds significant potential for generating value for UK businesses.

The Future of Communications as an Enabler at Ports

Shipping ports are our gateway to international markets, handing 95% of UK imports and exports. Electronic communications have become a fundamental enabler for the evolution of modern port operations.

Future of Air Mobility – Cohort Trials Overview

The Future of Air Mobility accelerator is a challenge led, 6-month accelerator programme in partnership with the Future Flight Challenge from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

Intelligent Drones Revolutionise Infrastructure Inspections: A Market Report

As part of the Future of Flight Phase III Challenge, the Intelligent Drones for Ports and Highways (InDePTH) consortium envision a future where the deployment of intelligent drones may be used to support a wide range of inspection and maintenance tasks around national critical infrastructures.

Innovation Twins The UK-Australia Opportunity

This report from the Innovation Twins programme has sought to explore and identify routes to place-to-place cooperation between the UK and Australia.
A coastal view featuring a pier and a small docked vessel, with white cliffs and a bright blue sky in the background.

Alternative Fuels: The Journey for UK Ports and Harbours

The maritime industry faces significant challenges in its transition toward decarbonisation. Ports and harbours encounter obstacles such as constrained power grids, limited technology deployment space, scarcity of alternative fuels, substantial infrastructure costs, and uncertainty about future fuel handling processes.
A person with a backpack and red suitcase walks along a train platform beside a stationary train, while another person walks in the opposite direction.

Station Innovation Zone Playbook and Strategic Guide

A Playbook and Strategic Guide that supports stakeholders through the process of developing innovation at stations and how to set up and run a Station Innovation Zone.
View of a catamaran's deck with solar panels, sailing on a vast, calm ocean under a clear sky—an example of maritime SME innovation funding at work.

Maritime SME Innovation Funding Guide

This guide is designed to help entrepreneurs, start-ups, SMEs and growing companies innovating in the maritime industry or thinking of applying their innovations to solve maritime problems make the right funding choices.
Drones flying in front of a building

Vertiports: Incidental Economic, Social, and Environmental Benefits to Local Communities

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is predicted to grow over the coming decades. A key enabler for the success of AAM is the ground infrastructure, vertiports, where eVTOL aircraft will take-off and land.
A worker in a high vis hardhat

Workforce 2050: Campaigns for Change

Workforce 2050 addresses the critical need for skilled workforce development and supply chain optimization in the UK's housing industry, specifically for Retrofit.