
Homes for Healthy Ageing Programme

Connected Places Catapult has launched a new programme to build a healthier future for the UK. The Homes for Healthy Ageing programme will draw on world-leading academic and industry research to match solutions from healthtech and care innovators with the insights and capabilities of local authorities and housing associations. We’re working with partners, thought leaders and SMEs who want to harness opportunities for growth and innovation in the healthy ageing space. If you’re interested in finding out more about how the programme can support your organisation – from funding and partnerships to trials and research – we want to hear from you. 

Good mental and physical health starts at home, but when it comes to healthy ageing, few homes are up to the challenge of supporting us throughout our lives. With the right technologies and innovative care solutions we can get more from our homes for longer. As our population gets older, it’s clear we have to act now. By 2050, a quarter of the UK population will be over 65. Right now, it’s less than 15%. That means we need to make significant changes to ensure healthy ageing for all. And it’s not just our population that’s ageing. 80% of the houses we’ll have in 2050 have already been built, and with the oldest housing stock in Europe, it’s vital that we’re both innovative and practical as we build a healthier future for the UK. 

Through the Homes for Healthy Ageing programme, we’re harnessing the expertise of industry leaders who can help us make the most of our existing infrastructure through scalable, consumer-friendly technology solutions. The Government has identified ‘ageing society’ as one of its four Grand Challenges and has set out a mission to help people enjoy at least five extra healthy, independent years while narrowing the gap between the experiences of the richest and poorest.  This Grand Challenge offers a wealth of opportunity for SMEs and partners who want to put the UK at the forefront of the healthy living industry through tech and care solutions that work for everyone. 

By building a healthy ageing future for all, we can: 

  • keep families and communities connected 
  • use technology to support health and independence 
  • reduce reliance on public services 
  • improve the provision of care at home 

Most importantly, with thorough research and testing that ensures solutions meet the diverse needs of the British population, we can empower every individual to tailor their homes to their specific requirements. 

A healthy ageing future starts in the home, and it starts now.  Connected Places Catapult is developing a comprehensive picture of the existing UK landscape while not only envisioning but accelerating a future that assures healthy ageing for all. We’re building one of the largest active networks of the country’s brightest innovators, solutions suppliers, partners and non-profits to trial scalable solutions and facilitate national roll-out. 

You could play a vital role in accelerating Homes for Healthy Ageing in the UK. Whether you have access to new technologies, have the capability to develop them, or if you’re interested in trialling new solutions, we want to hear from you.  

Europe’s smart home market is forecast to grow from $8.81 billion in 2018 to $13.85 billion by 2024, representing a huge innovation and investment opportunity. What’s more, with over-65s estimated to own more than 40% of housing equity in the UK, smart home products and services for senior living will be a key contributor to the growth of the smart home market in the UK. This is an opportunity to be at the forefront of a growth industry that will have a positive and lasting impact on the nation’s health, economy, environment and public services. 

Homes for Healthy Ageing Test Bed Open Call

Connected Places Catapult is providing funding and expertise to find and test innovative solutions to local challenges around healthy ageing – creating the environment to demonstrate impact and to build the needed case for scaling. We are selecting innovative UK SMEs who have the potential to create solutions (technical and non-technical) that can address our challenges through deploying or developing their solutions within our UK based Testbeds.  

Click below to apply for the open call.

We are now taking expressions of interest from: 
UK businesses and innovators 

Are you a UK company or innovator in the healthtech or care industries? Do you have solutions that could help the Government meet its Grand Challenge mission? If so, the Homes for Healthy Ageing programme can help you showcase and develop your solutions in real-world scenarios.  

If your organisation, products and solutions have the potential to support a healthy ageing future, we want to hear from you. By connecting with Connected Places Catapult, you’ll benefit from our network, insights and online resources as well as tailored support and guidance on a range of funding and research opportunities. 

Local authorities, housing associations, charities and non-profits 

We’re currently researching and deploying healthy ageing testbeds in representative locations across the UK.   

Perhaps you already have a healthy ageing project in mind that our programme can help accelerate or integrate with? Or maybe you’re a charity who can inform testbed deployments through user perspectives and insights? Either way, your input and expertise will help us build a picture of the local challenges around healthy ageing, health and homes, and support our solutions trials. 

Through Connected Places Catapult’s funded open calls, location partners will gain access to a rich network of solutions suppliers as well as support from a dedicated task force who’ll provide guidance and expertise on successful testbed deployment and living lab environments. 

After our testbed execution phase, you’ll benefit from our testbed implementation toolkits as well as user insights and best practice learnings from across the programme network. 

Research, policy and investment partners 

As we convene one of the largest active networks of innovators and solutions suppliers in healthy ageing technologies, we want to work with partners who can help us define and identify the best innovations to accelerate through development funding and piloting. 

As one of the fastest-growing markets for smart home products in Europe, the UK offers huge opportunity for investors, policy makers and research partners.  

We welcome expressions of interest from academic institutions, research bodies and investors who’d like to learn more about the ways they can inform and support healthy ageing initiatives and policy. 

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