Welcome to the Future Air Mobility Innovation Centre
The Connected Places Catapult are pleased to welcome you to the Future Air Mobility Innovation Centre. Building on from our work leading the Government Drones Pathfinder Programme, developing the Open Access UTM Framework, plus our work on the UKRI Future Flight Challenge, we are pleased to launch our first of kind UK independent centre of excellence for Future Air Mobility and associated specialisations in the UK.
Our aim is to position the UK at the forefront of Future Air Mobility, UAS research, and Sustainable Aviation.
Providing a digital platform with access to system and service demonstrators, to act as a “shop window” for UK plc, a centre for R&D and investment activity, and a focus for investors and funders. Contributing to UK economic growth and help the industry develop safe, efficient, and sustainable systems to move goods and people.
Managed by the Connected Places Catapult, acting as an independent convener for industry, academia, investors and government, we are supporting the safe integration of future air systems into communities, through education, communication and promotion, and promoting UK capabilities to Local Authorities, Government, overseas investors, the public, buyers, regulators, etc.
Our aim is to lead collaborations of multiple stakeholders to overcome challenges and barriers to the safe adoption of Future Air Mobility and drone technology - building on the success of the Government Drones Pathfinder Programme.
We aim to Incubate ideas and turn them into demonstrations across the entire Future Air Mobility, UAS and Sustainable Aviation ecosystem.
Plus, provide a portal for public engagement and public experience days.
We will also provide
- Independent advice to government and decision makers
- Market insights
- Catalogue of UK capabilities and solutions
- Focused engagement with UK industry, particularly SMEs, for maximum benefit
- Industry events – networking, international missions, etc.
Some of our planned activities include:
- 2021/Q1: Digital platform launch
- 2021/Q2: Future Air Mobility accelerator launched
- 2021/Q4: First Future Air Mobility Summit
- 2022: Market demand study of Future Air Mobility
- 2022/Q4: Second Future Air Mobility Summit
For further details please contact Andrew Chadwick: andrew.chadwick@cp.catapult.org.uk