
CleanAirTech Community

Connected Places Catapult has partnered with Johnson Matthey to convene a ‘Clean Air Technology’ community: #CleanAirTech.

The #CleanAirTech ecosystem will endeavour to be one that looks for active improvement measures of making things better, fostering technologies that improve air quality, and playing a dynamic role in providing tangible solutions.  This is not an advisory or discussion group, it is a future focused, solution seeking group of businesses, academics, regulators, government leaders, organisations and innovators who are driven to seek air quality solutions through technology and innovation.

The White paper titled Creating a Clean Air Technology Community; Driving Improved Air Quality through Technology & Collaboration available for download sets out key challenge’s cities face to tackling air quality and proposes real action orientated activities which could help contribute to improving air quality for all.

Interested in getting involved?

Whether you have technology solutions, research data you would like to showcase or new innovative ideas to kickstart a new collaboration project, we would encourage businesses, academics, regulators, government leaders, organisations and innovators who are seeking air quality solutions to get in touch.