
Security Technology Research and Innovation Grants

S-TRIG is a joint initiative between the Connected Places Catapult and the Department for Transport’s Future Aviation Security Solutions (FASS) programme. The S-TRIG programme has been developed to tackle some of the future challenges that could arise within national security in the UK. This is why we are seeking innovative concepts that go beyond what we know today to the solutions of the future.

Research undertaken through the S-TRIG programme will form a stepping stone towards the further development of innovative concepts and provide a strong basis for additional funding opportunities through other government innovation initiatives, such as those operated by DASA and JSaRC. It will also provide an evidence base which could be used when seeking industry or private venture capitalist funding.

S-TRIG is open to all businesses and academic institutions who are seeking funding to undertake early stage feasibility studies.

We are interested in:

  • Initial laboratory-based research
  • Feasibility studies based on an evidenced approach
  • Paper-based studies if the focus is on system integration or processes
  • Computer-based modelling
  • Innovative deployments or applications of existing solutions
  • Concepts that can be scalable to a range of applications
  • Adaptation of sensors or techniques from alternative disciplines

We are not interested in:

  • Minor developmental enhancements to existing security solutions that are not innovative
  • Innovations that are already at TRL 6 or above

There are five broad application areas for this funding programme. Your research may be based on one application area or cut across multiple application areas.

  • Aviation security
  • Border detection and security
  • Detection of contraband entering prisons
  • Protection of infrastructure and crowded places
  • Counter-drones

Why apply for S-TRIG

S-TRIG is designed to help innovators try out new security technology ideas and support the best ones to reach the market.

Key features of S-TRIG:

  • 100% grants for SMEs and academia
  • Support from the Connected Places Catapult including the chance to enter their SME development programme
  • The opportunity to undertake early stage research into security themed challenges that could transform the way people move around and travel
  • A cross-government scheme that allows applicants to contribute to the UK’s innovation ecosystem and tackle future challenges that could arise within national security

Applying for S-TRIG

Applications are now closed for the S-TRIG programme.

You can find all the relevant information in the following documents:

Application Guidance and FAQs

Grant Funding Agreement (Terms & Conditions)

S-TRIG Privacy Notice

The application deadline is the 23rd September. Please send applications to security-trig@cp.catapult.org.uk


We held a application support and information webinar on the 7th September.

To watch the webinar please click the video below

Contact Us

If you are interested in finding out more information about the grants or have any queries, please contact us by emailing: security-trig@cp.catapult.org.uk