CALL FOR LOCATIONS: Submissions must be completed by 18th February 2022

Connected Places Catapult is providing funding and expertise to find and test innovative solutions to local challenges around healthy ageing – creating the environment to demonstrate impact and to build the needed case for scaling.

After selecting our first two testbed partners earlier in 2021, we are now looking for our next three location partners, which we will announce before the end of March 2022.

What is a testbed?  

Testbeds give organisations and places the opportunity to discover more about new and emerging technologies that could be applied to the challenges they face. Testbeds can be seen as a pre-procurement exercise to help reduce the risk of investment made by companies and places in SMEs and innovator solutions. They offer a safe space where testing can take place to understand what impact can be achieved from their ideas. 

The Opportunity for Locations

Through Connected Places Catapult’s funded open calls, location partners will gain access to a rich network of solution suppliers as well as support from a dedicated task force who will provide guidance and expertise on successful testbed deployment. After our tested execution phase, you will benefit from our testbed implementation toolkits as well as user insights and best practice learnings from across the programme network. The challenges we are looking to address in our next three testbeds are:

The Home

Domestic spaces where people live, whether owner occupied or rented. This can include shared spaces for gathering and activities.

Challenge: The functionality of the home to support independent living in old age.


Situating the home in the wider context of the neighbourhood, including the urban realm, access to local amenities and transport connectivity.

Challenge: Places to support active ageing and easy access to amenities

Care Provision

Care provision can happen in the home, but new models of care could look at the wider amenities, connections and environment beyond the home.

Challenge: Innovation to support care provision

To learn more about these challenges and the funding opportunity being provided, please click on the links below:

How to apply?

Please ensure that you have read through the Open Call Brief prior to submitting your proposal. Proposals must be submitted via email to:, before 5:30pm on Friday 18th February.

Please direct and questions you may have through You can also find out more information by accessing our webinar recording from our past events below.