
Registration opens for inaugural Connected Places Summit

The brand-new flagship event will engage and inspire attendees with a wide-ranging agenda aimed at accelerating innovation across cities, transport and place leadership.
Banner for the Connected Places Summit 2024, with the theme 'Accelerate Innovation. Together.' Held at Convene Bishopsgate 22, London & virtually, March 20-21, 2024.

Registration is now open for the inaugural Connected Places Summit, which is taking place at 22 Bishopsgate over two days on 20-21 March 2024. 

At the event, Connected Places Catapult’s Chair, Prof Greg Clark CBE, will host a packed keynote agenda where he will be joined by a series of high-profile industry and civic leaders. Together they will consider the most urgent and topical questions across the themes of: place leadership, connected intelligence, transport & mobility, and climate action.

“This Summit provides a vital opportunity to bring together government and industry around the vision of a truly connected place.

A connected place is where more than just people, infrastructure, economy and planet come together. It’s also where the digital world, new modes of transport and mobility, and exciting new networks for trade and exchange coincide. A connected place is integrated, inter-dependent, interoperable and ultimately more productive and innovative.

Only by working across sectors and across disciplines can we accelerate innovation together and realise the benefits of this compelling vision.”
Nicola Yates OBE, Chief Executive Officer, Connected Places Catapult

The Summit is set to bring together small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), academics, investors, local and national policymakers and industry heavyweights. The wide-ranging agenda will showcase the latest innovations from rail and stations, to the future of aviation; connected digital twins to decarbonising our ports and maritime economy. 

The high-level agenda for the two-day event is available now. Over the coming months, more details will be revealed as further participating keynote speakers and partner organisations are announced.

For those looking to align their brand with this exciting event, you can explore partnership opportunities.