David Flynn is a Professor of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) at the University of Glasgow. Prof. Flynn is Head of Research Division (HoRD) for Autonomous Systems and Connectivity within the James Watt School of Engineering. He is the Cyber Physical Systems and Digital Twining thematic lead for the National Hydrogen Integration for Accelerated Energy Transitions (HI-ACT) hub, National Hub for Decarbonised, Adaptable and Resilient Transport Infrastructures (DARe), and the National Digital Twinning Hub for Transport Decarbonisation (Transit). Prof. Flynn is a member of the idnepent net zero advisory boards of SP Energy Networks, and Cadent Ltd. He is the Chair of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Scotland, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE) and Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA).