Urban Links Africa Application Process Support Session

Event finished: 13th August 2020
When and where?
9:00am - 10:45am
We’ve taken on board your suggestions from the survey from all previous webinars and have created this webinar as a result, to provide some guidance and help answer some questions about your application.
We will cover:
• Answers to questions that were asked by survey respondents
• Expand and clarify topics such as expected outcomes & partnership building
• Run through the support area that was most requested in the survey:
Application Process – F6S, eligibility and project proposal
• Welcome and introduction (5 mins)
• Why are we delivering this additional support session? (5 mins)
• FAQs and clarifying key topic areas (10 mins)
• The application process – guidance and demonstrations + Q&A (30 min)
• Application support break-outs (45 min)
• What next? (10 mins)