Event finished: 26th January 2021
This webinar focuses on drainage infrastructure. The TrackWater 2.0 consortium, comprising of InTouch, Network Rail, Lancaster University and Connected Places Catapult, have deployed 18 innovative Internet of Things sensors collecting real-time data on drainage asset condition, and delivering this information to Network Rail engineers through its web portal and email alerts.
Drainage is a hidden yet critical part of the network, and asset failure has the potential to have significant financial and safety implications from delay minutes, line closures to earthwork failures. In the last 5 years Network Rail have had to compensate operators in excess of £90m for delay minutes caused by flooding.
It is believed that by monitoring drainage asset performance remotely Network Rail engineers will be able to plan and undertake preventative rather than reactive maintenance, reducing the risk of flooding and therefore delays. While in the longer term the data collected will provide valuable insight into asset performance and condition that can inform asset renewals.
This trial has enabled the project team to demonstrate and train Network Rail on the installation processes, test the technology on the network and develop the dashboards to deliver the data back to Network Rail. All of which is being been done in collaboration with Network Rail to ensure Trackwater can be successfully integrated with Network Rail systems and workflows and data is delivered in a useable and meaningful way.
The Showcase
On January 26th 2021, the project team will be hosting a virtual showcase to demonstrate the innovative technology developed as part of the project, which compromises of specifically designed IoT sensors collecting silt and water level readings, combining the readings with other data sets to predict drainage conditions and flood risks to inform appropriate maintenance regimes.
Members of the project team will also discuss the trial deployments and the findings so far from the trials.
This showcase will be benefit anyone interested in drainage management, IoT, remote monitoring and technology & systems for predictive maintenance.
Who should attend?
The Trackwater 2.0 project showcase will be of interest to anyone who is responsible for drainage systems and drainage maintenance and has an interest in how predictive maintenance can improve the robustness and reliability of drainage systems across any industry. For example, drainage engineers, maintenance teams, maintenance schedulers etc.
This showcase will also be of benefit to anyone interested in drainage management, IoT, remote monitoring and technology & systems for predictive maintenance
You can find more information and register for the event here.