Smarter Spending: Mobilising Internal Allies

Join us for a discussion on how to mobilise internal allies
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Event finished: 17th January 2024

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17th January 2024
2:00pm - 3:30pm


This event is now complete

In the procurement supply chain a lack of communication and understanding between stakeholders is one of the main barriers to innovation. Often parties do not realise they have a common problem and end goal, and the way your profession is perceived by others can vary greatly.

Join our 90-minute online workshop, which brings together professionals for peer-to-peer learning from procurement, finance, legal, innovation, service delivery and many other teams within local government.

Representatives from different professions will walk through examples of issues or limitations they have encountered in collaborating with other roles. And how they have improved these relations to influence and promote innovative procurement through live case studies. The session will then include time for you to further discuss these collaboration and alignment topics with a range of fellow local government professionals. Takeaway activities and stakeholder relationship tips will also be provided so you can practice what you pick up in the session within your local authority.