Event finished: 24th September 2019
Workshop Overview
As part of our Housing Innovation Week, Connected Places Catapult is hosting a one day workshop to explore the future of housing in an ageing society, and how we can harness the power of innovation to help meet some of the key challenges. Homes which support independent, healthy living will become essential for people to live longer, more fulfilled lives, and continue to contribute to society. The UK government also foresees new demands for technologies, products, and services and aims to put the UK at the forefront in support of healthy ageing.
The workshop will bring together thought leaders and key stakeholders from across the housing ecosystem to explore some of the challenges and barriers and how collaborative innovation and new technologies can help meet some of the needs on Homes and Healthy Ageing. It is part of a wider Future of Housing programme at Connected Places Catapult and will help to inform a UK Housing Challenge to be launched later in the year.
The workshop will be delivered with support and input from the Centre for Ageing Better’.
Who should attend?
We are seeking contributions from those working in research-based or strategic innovation roles in the housing and/or ageing sectors who can actively contribute knowledge and experience to help frame the problems and anticipate solutions. Connected Places Catapult has a focus on the technology domain and a mission to work across sector boundaries so we would encourage interest from those working in government, NGOs, academia, designers, housing providers, innovators who wish to accelerate innovation to create housing solutions suitable for our ageing population.