Future of Standards – User Research: Celebrating World Standards Day

Event finished: 14th October 2020
When and where?
10:00am - 11:30am
If you have ever asked any of these questions in your daily job, then this World Standards Day inspired Show & Tell session is the one for you.
There are more than 96,000 standards available (source: British Standards Online). They cover almost all business fields and work areas. Some of them are compulsory and others aren’t. Some are for free while other are more difficult to find. From our research we have found that many people know they are important but are not really sure how to use them.
In this one and half hour session we will introduce the standards world and share initial findings from research we have been doing on ‘The Future of Standards’ to identify the user challenges with standards including analysing possible futures to investigate solutions for how standards could be made more accessible to users. Finally an interactive dedicated session will give the opportunity to have your say. The S&T is open and for free.