
Creating healthier and more resilient homes: a year in review

Connected Places Catapult’s Homes for Health and Resilience 23/24 Programme has delivered a series of tangible goals – and there is much to look forward to this coming financial year.

Making steps towards creating healthier and more climate-resilient homes is a necessity for communities and in helping to shape a more sustainable world.

The Homes for Health and Resilience 23/24 Programme has been exploring opportunities to leverage innovations in processes and technology; delving deep into the products, services and systemic changes required to pave the way for homes that are not just shelters, but pillars of wellbeing and sustainability.

Among the significant undertakings of the programme during the last 12 months has been the release of two future-thinking reports: 'Retrofit 2050' and 'Workforce 2050'.

Retrofit 2050 provides a comprehensive analysis of the political, economic and technological trends shaping the home retrofit market. It emphasises the urgent need for innovation to drive timely and scalable actions towards homes fit for the future.

Workforce 2050 highlights the critical importance of developing a skilled workforce and optimising the supply chain – particularly in the UK's housing industry – with a specific focus on retrofitting.

Recognising the vital role of Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in driving innovation, the programme initiated a series of workshops and roundtables. These included BuiltConnect 2024 –held at Connected Places Catapult’s office in London in February – aimed at understanding the barriers to market entry for new SMEs developing solutions in the retrofit market.

This initiative sought to foster a supportive environment for SMEs, enabling them to contribute significantly to the transformation of the housing sector.

In addition, the establishment of the Homes and Housing Advisory Board signifies a concerted effort in the market to integrate existing initiatives and develop place-based approaches that prioritise the health and wellbeing of residents, while enhancing climate resilience.

Through these multi-disciplinary activities and challenge-led research, the programme has been exploring the transformative potential of retrofit in creating healthier communities and bolstering climate resilience. As we continue to navigate the challenges of the future, we hope to draw inspiration from these insights and collectively work towards building homes that not only shelter us, but also nurture our wellbeing and safeguard the planet for generations to come.

White Paper to be published soon

An exciting new White Paper is set to be published shortly, which delves into the collaborative efforts between Connected Places Catapult, Oldham Council and Carbon Co-op to address the critical question: ‘How might we build public health and climate resilience outcomes into an area-based retrofit scheme for the able-to-pay market?’

Submit your details below to ensure you are informed when the White Paper is released.