
Decarbonisation of Local Roads

Paving the way to a low-carbon future through material innovation and collaboration across the highways and local roads sector.

Centre of Excellence for Decarbonising Roads focuses on achieving net-zero through decarbonisation of road materials, identifying and scaling materials, processes and solutions that can revolutionise the sector’s carbon footprint. Part of the ADEPT Live Labs 2 decarbonising local roads programme, a three year £30million UK-wide initiative funded by the Department for Transport that aims to decarbonise the local highway network. 

Connected Places Catapult is collaborating with consortium partners to:  

  • Identify local and global innovations that contribute to decarbonising roads. 
  • Share knowledge and best practice on the evaluation, testing, trialling and adoption of innovative materials. 

We are seeking collaboration from industry stakeholders to contribute to our research. If you are an innovator, local authority and or roads and materials expert we encourage you to get in touch.  

If you would like to find out more and or contribute to our research please contact


Logo of the Department for Transport featuring a black lion, unicorn, and shield emblem on the left with the department's name in text on the right.
Logo of Catapult Connected Places with the word "Catapult" in bold green text and "Connected Places" in smaller green text underneath.