Sharon is the Regional Rural Mobility Manager at Transport East, the Sub-National Transport Body for the East. She heads up an exciting area of work leading on delivering the national Rural Mobility Centre of Excellence with a wide range of stakeholders from across government, academia, tourism and business. The RMCoE focuses on the transport challenges faced by rural communities, building research and evidence to make the case for investment, an area omitted from much national and regional policy development in recent years. Sharon's extensive career in local government has led to a deep understanding of how to deliver sustainable transport changes in the public sector. This includes roles as strategic lead for behaviour change, road safety strategy, travel planning and the active travel delivery team at a large county council where she secured £1.5million to deliver one of eleven Active Travel Social Prescribing Pilots across England, and developing the Suffolk Air Quality Profile with Public Health and the District Councils. Sharon led on a pan-regional European Regional Development Fund project which introduced one of England's first mobile ticketing apps in 2012, still being used today by one of the leading bus operators, facilitating millions of purchases of bus tickets in the last decade. Sharon also worked for the Department for Education during the Travelling to School Initiative as the Regional School Travel Advisor, managing the work of ten Local Authorities to successfully meet the challenging targets and objectives set by Government.