Putting physical infrastructure and climate at the heart of city expansion
Infrastructure connects us to each other and to the natural environment. Integrated, robust and resilient infrastructure provides the foundation of economically strong places and for the services that we depend on.
Chris Jones
Ecosystem Director – Integrated Infrastructre
Digital Twin Hub
Digital twins and interoperable, connected digital twins are significant tools for fighting the global, systemic challenges currently facing the world. Challenges like pandemics, climate change and resilience. They are key enablers for ensuring better outcomes for people and nature through a collaborative and coordinated approach to problem-solving.
The Climate Resilience Demonstrator (CReDo) is a pioneering climate change adaptation digital twin that provides a practical example of how connected data can improve climate adaptation and resilience across a system of systems.
Project / Climate Resilience Demonstrator (CReDo)
The Climate Resilience Demonstrator (CReDo) is a pioneering digital twin platform for climate change adaptation that improves system-wide resilience across infrastructure networks.
The art of digital infrastructure
HMGCC Challenge: AI / Novel Technology Red Agent Penetration Testing
In the latest challenge launched by HMGCC Co-Creation, applications are being invited from organisations that work with AI or novel technologies in penetration testing.
Zero-Emission Heavy Goods Vehicles
Connected Places Catapult is helping to accelerate the transition to zero-emission road freight.
Meet the innovator loading rail freight boxes at speed
Former veterinary surgeon Alan Holford is developing a new freight loading system for trucks and trains, and plans to transport packages through tunnels to every street corner in a city.