Integrated Planning for Net Zero

What does a cross-sector, place-based approach to Net Zero planning look like? Our report looks at key challenges and sets out a vision for the future of integrated planning.

The political aim of Net Zero has been defined. Yet, the challenge remains in delivering the most appropriate and workable local-level actions.

To meet this challenge, we believe that innovation and better use of data are key to achieving a place-based approach. This will engage users across sectors, communities, and asset owners.

Three critical emission sectors not to be thought of separately are transport, energy supply and the built environment. This is due to their interdependencies and impact on Net Zero. Yet, these sectors continue to be planned for, delivered and funded in silos.

Today we see a fragmented, slow-paced place planning system. Our report calls for a fundamental change in the way we plan, design and manage our places to meet Net Zero.

We developed our recommendations by engaging over 20 organisations across sectors. Our report identifies cross-sectoral barriers that currently hinder more integrated approaches. It also addresses key opportunities for change going forward.

We looked at real-world impacts of realising these opportunities. We partnered with Future of London to develop 6 case studies of places that have started to take a more integrated approach to Net Zero planning. These case studies highlight different approaches and lessons learnt, which range from Local Area Energy Planning in Manchester to the transformation of a former Power Station in Rugeley.

We’ve also shown how data and technology can promote collaboration and unlock Net Zero action. We partnered with TPXimpact and Open Innovations to develop two prototypes. They explore two cross-sector challenges that will create new markets and reduce dependency on local authorities:

a. EV Bulk Charging Planner

A data-led prototype that pulls together key information for local authorities to plan their EV strategy. It also identifies the best locations for rolling out bulk charging infrastructure for fleets. Examples include taxi rankings, ambulances and commercial deliveries.

b. Community Retrofit Service

A prototype of a service that helps the homeowner market estimate the carbon impact of their home, by allowing them to :

  • Access retrofit options,
  • connect with peers,
  • access supply chains and grants and
  • check the impact of their retrofit.

NB. These are prototypes of tools – they are for demonstration purposes and not for active use. 

All this work has led to our vision and roadmap for the future of integrated planning.

Through better harnessing data and developing coordinated, user-led services, we believe that the actions in our roadmap are essential to creating a future where integrated planning becomes the norm and drives collective, place-based Net Zero action.

Integrated Planning for Net Zero
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We hope that our findings and prototypes will spark a conversation and we’d love to hear any feedback.

If you’d like to work with us or find out more, please get in touch with Katie Adnams, Place Innovation Lead at

We held a webinar to launch our findings and hear from practitioners working in transport, energy and data to understand their challenges and approaches to Net Zero planning. Watch it here