Innovation Places Leadership Academy – Cohort 2
Participants benefit from collaborating with peers facing similar opportunities and challenges, sharing experiences and empowering growth in their regions. The common objective is to align economic and investment strategies for each area, and empowered the to implement them.
The programme is built around a series of immersive regional gatherings, during which participants gain:
- Input from globally recognised experts in systems leadership, FDI, and inclusive innovation
- Bespoke diagnostic of each participating city region’s innovation ecosystem, based on our City Pathways Typologies data tool
- Candid insights on other cities’ innovation assets and strategic developments via walking tours
- Opportunities to convene and mobilise wider regional stakeholders through VIP dinners and bilateral sessions
- Applied learning to promote reflection, personal development and practical action
- International showcasing and learning opportunities by attending the Smart Cities Expo World Congress in Barcelona.
Participating organisations
Learn more about Cohort 1.
Learn more about the Innovation Places Leadership Academy.
Innovation Places Leadership Academy – Cohort 1
Participants spent time with peers facing similar challenges to their own, with the objective of becoming more aligned around economic and investment strategies for their areas – and becoming empowered to implement them.
Through a series of immersive regional gatherings, the cohort benefitted from:
- Input from globally recognised experts in systems leadership, scale up-support and inclusive innovation;
- A bespoke diagnostic of their local innovation ecosystem, drawing on insights from our City Pathways Typologies data tool;
- Walking tours with candid insights on each participating city’s innovation assets and strategic developments;
- Opportunities to convene and mobilise wider stakeholders through VIP dinners and networking events;
- Action learning and 1-2-1 coaching to promote reflection and personal development;
- International networking and inspiration by attending the Urban Futures Global Summit in Stuttgart.
Hear from the cohort
“Through IPLA I have really gained a deeper understanding of my personal agency and grown in personal resilience and mindset to navigate change.”Louise Smith, Director – Aura Innovation Centre, University of Hull
Louise Smith, Director, Aura University of Hull
“It was so reassuring to hear that others are grappling with similar challenges and discovering different approaches to common problems. I found the masterclasses first rate and would highly recommend the programme to other place leaders.”Derek Shaw, Director of Innovation and Place, Scottish Enterprise
Jennifer Craw, CEO, Opportunity North East
“I appreciated the insights and knowledge from others on the programme; I realised that many of the opportunities and challenges are the same. The opportunity to share experiences, discuss issues and challenges and get input from other place leaders was invaluable.”Jane Lamer, Head of Economic Development and Skills, Portsmouth City Council
Read more from the cohort
Learn more about Cohort 2.
Learn more about the Innovation Places Leadership Academy.
Rhaglen Sbarduno Datgarboneiddio Trafnidiaeth gydag Awdurdodau Lleol
Dyma’r rhaglen Sbarduno Datgarboneiddio Trafnidiaeth gydag Awdurdodau Lleol, i gefnogi busnesau bach a chanolig ac ardaloedd lleol i ddiwallu’r cyfleoedd a’r heriau a ddaw yn sgil ymrwymiadau sero net sy’n seiliedig ar leoedd. Connected Places Catapult sy’n gyfrifol am y rhaglen a hynny rhwng mis Medi 2024 a mis Mawrth 2025, ac mae’n cael ei rhedeg ar y cyd â’r Awdurdodau Lleol a’r Corff Trafnidiaeth Is-genedlaethol canlynol:
- Cynghorau Adur a Worthing
- Cyngor Sir Caerdydd
- England’s Economic Heartland
Mae’r pedwar partner wedi datblygu her benodol sy’n seiliedig ar leoedd. Gyda chefnogaeth Connected Places Catapult, bydd hyd at 2 fusnes bach a chanolig yn cael eu dewis i weithio ar y cyd â phob partner, a chael dealltwriaeth feirniadol a fydd yn eu galluogi i fireinio eu hatebion i fynd i’r afael â’r heriau a gynigiwyd sy’n seiliedig ar leoedd. Bydd busnesau bach a chanolig yn cael eu dewis ar sail pa mor gryf yw eu hatebion i’r heriau dan sylw, ac nid o reidrwydd pa mor agos yn ddaearyddol ydyn nhw at y partner.
Ar ôl asesu anghenion masnachol unigol y busnesau bach a chanolig, bydd Connected Places Catapult yn llunio rhaglen bwrpasol o gymorth masnachol sy’n canolbwyntio ar integreiddio yn y sector cyhoeddus. Gall hyn gynnwys y canlynol:
- dadansoddi a dilysu’r farchnad
- mireinio/datblygu achosion o ddefnydd penodol
- cymorth i greu a mireinio modelau busnes
- cyfathrebiadau a strategaethau masnachol wedi’u haddasu ar gyfer caffael cyhoeddus
- datblygu strategaethau ‘Mynd i’r Farchnad’
- cyflwyniadau i ddarpar gwsmeriaid a/neu fuddsoddwyr awdurdodau trafnidiaeth ac awdurdodau lleol.
Mae heriau’r rhaglen sbarduno a’r meini prawf cymhwysedd i’w gweld isod.
Gweminar Cymorth i Wneud Cais
Bydd Connected Places Catapult yn cynnal Gweminar Cymorth i Wneud Cais ar 21 Awst, rhwng 2 a 3pm. Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn rhoi cyfle i ymgeiswyr gael rhagor o wybodaeth am yr hyn mae’r rhaglen yn ei gynnig, yr heriau, y broses ymgeisio, y meini prawf sgorio, a’r broses asesu. Hefyd, bydd sesiwn fyw o holi ac ateb ar gyfer darpar ymgeiswyr i ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau pellach neu i wirio a ydyn nhw’n gymwys.
Heriau’r Rhaglen
Mae manylion yr heriau a’r dogfennau ategol ar gael
Beth sydd gennym i’w gynnig?
- Dadansoddi a dilysu’r farchnad
- Mireinio/datblygu achosion o ddefnydd
- Mireinio’r model busnes
- Strategaethau masnachol wedi’u haddasu ar gyfer caffael cyhoeddus
- Datblygu strategaeth ‘Mynd i’r Farchnad’
- Cyflwyniad i gwsmeriaid
- Arddangos Atebion
Meini prawf cymhwysedd
Er mwyn bod yn gymwys, rhaid i ymgeiswyr:
- fod yn fusnes micro, bach neu ganolig ei faint (BBaCh).
- bod â swyddfa gofrestredig yn y DU.
- cael atebion sy’n mynd i’r afael ag un neu fwy o’r heriau a nodwyd.
- cael atebion ar lefel parodrwydd technoleg (TRL) 7 neu uwch. Mae hyn yn cyfateb i’r gofyniad sylfaenol bod yr atebion wedi cwblhau arddangosiad prototeip o’r dechnoleg mewn amgylchedd gweithredol a/neu wedi cymhwyso’r dechnoleg ei hun drwy gamau gweithredu llwyddiannus.
- bod yn barod i deithio o bryd i’w gilydd ar gyfer cyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb (ond bydd y rhan fwyaf o’r rhaglen yn cael ei chynnal ar-lein)
Sut mae gwneud cais
Gwnewch gais drwy ddilyn y ddolen isod.
Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer derbyn ceisiadau yw hanner nos ar 15 Medi 2024.