
AAA ISO Leaders Forum

Join us on 26 October at the next Leaders Forum.
An elderly man takes a selfie with three smiling people. Text includes event details for AAA ISO Leaders Forum and the theme "Cultivating Neighbourhoods that Care." Logos of sponsors and partners are visible.

We’ll be bringing insight and opportunities from our Homes for Health Ageing Programme testbeds, and our work with SMEs in this space.

Hear from Erin Walsh, Director of Built Environment and Natalie Record, Ecosystem Director for Homes and Housing at Connected Places Catapult who will host two panels to discuss how the built environment industry can harness innovation from UK businesses to improve the lives of our ageing population.

If you are an SME involved in the programme join us on the day to hear more from inspiring speakers, meet potential investors and be part of the creation of smart multigenerational neighbourhoods.