Drone Readiness Assessment
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If you are interested in finding out more, the Drone Pathfinder Catalyst Programme provides a platform for you to:
Connected Places Catapult has developed a high-level approach for adopting and scaling drone use within organisations.
Drone Readiness Assessment
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The Drones Pathfinder Catalyst Programme is focussed on driving the adoption of uses that can be carried out today with existing technology and regulatory frameworks.
To build and maintain the UK’s position as a world leader in commercial drone services and applications by driving adoption in public and private sectors.
The Drones Pathfinder Catalyst Programme aims to accelerate progress in drone technology and regulation. This will enable sectors to fully leverage the technology and successfully innovate in areas such as data capture, geo-mapping, national infrastructure inspections and surveying, medical and emergency services, and the provision of other commercial and public sector services.
The Drones Pathfinder Catalyst Programme is focussed on driving the adoption of uses that can be carried out today with existing technology and regulatory frameworks.
This will be realised by identifying and overcoming technical, operational and commercial barriers to drone applications; providing a platform for innovators to engage with government and the regulator at early stages, to explore solutions and share information and knowledge.
The Programme will:
The Plan for Growth Build Back Better: our plan for growth – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) is launching a new innovation strategy incorporating the role of technologies, including robotics and autonomous systems.
Drones offer a significant opportunity for the Government to deliver on this plan, as well as the Future of Mobility Grand Challenge – one of four Grand Challenges designed to make the UK a world leader in the way people, goods, and services move, now and in the future.
The Drone Pathfinder Catalyst Programme is part of the wider government programme to promote emerging technologies as drivers for growth. In 2021, Programme’s focus was refreshed, under the governance of the Department for Transport (DfT), the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Connected Places, with a new focus on driving the drones market across the UK’s non-aviation sectors; showcasing and demonstrating use cases specific to different industry sectors; as well as providing opportunities for SME’s to become involved and innovate.
The Programme will take a structured approach to achieving routine use of drones within the UK by exploring how challenges can be overcome to enable routine BVLOS operations. This will be firstly executed through demonstrations that showcase the many diverse use cases of drone technology.
To ensure that the focus of the Programme remains up to date, the list of Pathfinder Challenges detailed at Part C – Application Guidance may be updated from time-to-time by the Steering Committee, which will consider actual industry engagement, current national needs, horizon scanning and requests received that are beyond current regulatory approval mechanisms.
In 2021-2022, there are opportunities for SMEs to get involved through the Department for Transport’s Drones Transport Research Innovation Grants (TRIG: Drones) initiative, delivered by Connected Places Catapult. And for industry to apply and receive funding towards developing and demonstrating particular use cases.
This activity will, in turn, address the public’s perception of drones; driving acceptance and an uplift in drone use.
Transport Infrastructure Construction: Sensat, Costain Group, IUK , The Connected Places Catapult
Energy Infrastructure: EIC, Callen-Lenz, Wales & West Utilities, Cadent, National Grid Transmission, Northern Gas Networks, Northern Powergrid, Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks, UK Power Networks, Callen-Lenz, Connected Places Catapult.
Geomapping: Ordnance Survey
To find more about the Pathfinders or to get involved, please get in touch at drones@cp.catapult.org.uk