TRIG showcase webinar

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Event finished: 17th March 2021

Join us Tuesday 23rd March to hear from the innovative organisations who have just completed the first Security Technology Research and Innovation Grants Programme (S-TRIG), a programme funded by the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Future Aviation Security Solutions (FASS) Team and delivered by the Connected Places Catapult.

You will also get the chance to hear from a panel of organisations who have participated in S-TRIG’s sister programme – T-TRIG (Transport-Technology Research and Innovation Grants programme). They will share their experiences of participating in T-TRIG and how it helped their business to grow. To date, the T-TRIG programme has provided £5.4m of grants to support over 170 projects from across the breadth of the transport technology spectrum.

To find out details of those that have participated in the first S-TRIG click here, where you can read about the organisations and institutions’ projects ahead of joining the showcase event. S-TRIG is the beginning of a journey, leading the way for the future commercialisation of resulting technologies that could help to transform essential security services in the UK.

T-TRIG bridges the early stage, proof-of-concept funding gap in transport innovation, where small investments can de-risk emerging solutions, and is open to all businesses and academic institutions who are seeking this funding to undertake early stage feasibility studies. For details on the next 23 projects to receive this support visit the website page.