Third Thursday: Digitising the Future of EIA
Event finished: 21st May 2020
When and where?
4:00pm - 5:00pm
EIAs are regulated by EU/UK legislation and are a crucial part of the design evolution and approval process for major projects. Its purpose is to ensure that the environmental and social effects of proposals are understood prior to decisions being taken and to aid public participation in decision-making. But currently they’re seen as burdensome, impenetrable, and very rarely do we monitor if they were right.
Despite the other proptech innovations, digital technology is not being currently exploited enough to capture data or deliver efficient and effective ways of producing ES. Although there’s a growing interest in digitising EIA, innovations to date focus on making the content, rather than the data more accessible.
This webinar will showcase our findings, and along with a number of speakers, stir a conversation around the changes needed in our current system and how we can start overcoming the EIA digitisation barriers and obstacles ahead of us.