SafeMRX Showcase – what Automated Vehicles should do when things go wrong

Event finished: 24th February 2022
When and where?
9:30am - 1:00pm
The next step for CAVs (Connected and Automated Vehicles) is to run trials and deployments without needing safety drivers in the vehicles. However, for this to happen, it is vital that the vehicles can “fail-safe” when something goes wrong, and executing a Minimal Risk Manoeuvre (MRM) is the primary mechanism for this. CAVs are expected to perform an MRM to achieve a Minimal Risk Condition (e.g. parked at the side of the road) whenever they suffer a system failure or exit their operational design domain.
The SafeMRX project has explored how MRMs and MRCs (collectively referred to as MRX) should fit into the safety case for CAVs, and has proposed several new safety concepts to support this. The types of MRM and the circumstances that they should be performed in have been defined in more detail, and additionally the project has proposed a risk assessment methodology covering MRX behaviour.
This event is a chance to hear from the project team about their proposals. The agenda will include:
- Introduction from David Webb, Head of Innovation, CCAV
- Talks from the SafeMRX team (consisting of CPC experts and human factors experts from the University of West of England / Bristol Robotics Laboratory)