Event finished: 29th April 2021
The RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence are the longest-running and most high-profile awards in the planning industry. For 40 years they have rewarded the brightest talent in the profession; the teams, the projects and individuals that transform economies, environments and their communities all over the UK and internationally.
On Wednesday 29th April, the team at the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) will be announcing the winners of this year’s RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence which will be hosted by Sasha White QC.
The winners will be announced and RTPI’s prestigious Silver Jubilee Cup winner, awarded annually to the entry judged to be the most outstanding from amongst the category winners.
We wanted to take this opportunity to once again congratulate our winners from last years awards Affordable Homes Monitoring Southwark Council (London Region) and also to thank every one of this year’s finalists but especially those nominated in the category we are sponsoring because of our vested interest in PlanTech; ‘Excellence in Tech within Planning Practice’.
Below you’ll find a brief description of each of the initiatives on the shortlist to win the ‘Excellence in Tech within Planning Practice’ award.
Click through to the project pages and have a look at them for yourselves.
Interactive Plymouth Plan – Plymouth City Council
The Plymouth Plan is a ground-breaking plan which looks ahead to 2034. It sets a shared direction of travel for the long term future of the city bringing together a number of strategic planning processes into one place.
The Planning Inspectorate’s transformation of face-to-face examination events to virtual delivery – The Planning Inspectorate
The Inspectorate’s facilitation of virtual events: adapting ALL events-based planning casework across England to virtual hosting, enabling fair/ robust oral examination of complex casework to continue.
Planning London Datahub – Greater London Authority – Atkins Limited
The Planning London Datahub (PLD) is a dataset of planning development proposals in London, produced using the planning system to enable us to monitor and plan for good growth.
The Proposed Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2020 – Delivering Digital Engagement During a Pandemic – Aberdeenshire Council
Amidst a global pandemic Aberdeenshire Council moved seamlessly from a consultation strategy traditionally reliant on face-to-face engagement to one promoting primarily digital means of engagement.