MK:5G Connecting Communities

Event finished: 22nd January 2021
When and where?
10:00am - 12:00pm
Join us on Friday 22nd January for the MK:5G Connecting Communities – project update and opportunities overview webinar. The aim of the webinar is to allow businesses interested in the MK:5G project to meet and hear from the consortium partners, learn more about the testbed capabilities and opportunities, and the planned trials activities.
The MK:5G project is an exciting new testbed in the Milton Keynes area, including the deployment of dedicated 5G infrastructure and the creation of a data hub facility. The 5G mobile network is designed exclusively for research and development purposes and will cover central MK including key sites (such as the Stadium, Bletchley & CMK rail stations, Hospital, Universities), key junctions on the M1 and a number of rural communities.
The testbed will focus on trialling applications across three core themes: Mobility, Health & Wellbeing, and Energy. Several trials are already planned across each theme and extensive datasets will be stored in the data hub.
The project is led by Milton Keynes Council and is funded by the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP), and the consortium partners. Consortium partners include BT, CityFibre, TechMahindra, the Open University, Satellite Applications Catapult and the Connected Places Catapult, while many additional partners are being engaged to conduct trials across the three core themes. The Connected Places Catapult is acting as the business growth partner within the MK:5G consortium.
This webinar will provide an update on the progress made since the MK:5G Connecting Communities event in February, and will provide an opportunity for SMEs to learn how they can use the testbed to trial their solutions and products.
For more information about the project, please click here >>
To view the presentations from the MK:5G Connecting Communities event in February, please click here >>