
Homes for Healthy Ageing: SME Open Call Support Webinar

Do you want to test one of your innovative solutions and win a spot in our local testbeds?
A group of five smiling elderly people gather around a tablet, enjoying each other's company in a bright, cozy room.

Event finished: 27th July 2022

When and where?

Online event
27th July 2022
10:30am - 11:30am


This event is now complete

On Wednesday 27th July, Connected Places Catapult will be hosting a webinar for SMEs interested in testing their innovative solutions in one of our new local testbeds.  

The webinar will include  

  • An overview of the challenges set by the programme partners  
  • Offer support and guidance on the application process 
  • Answer any questions you have about the programme.  

If you have any questions, please reach out to  

About Homes for Healthy Ageing Programme – SME Open Call Announcement 2022 

Connected Places Catapult’s Homes for Healthy Ageing programme aims to demonstrate the role that innovation, collaboration, and a human-centred approach can play in accelerating the development of healthy, age-friendly homes and neighbourhoods. We are currently demonstrating the impact of this approach with testbeds in Sunderland and Northern Ireland, where partners have been trialling solutions to overcome Cold and Damp Homes and Social Isolation and Loneliness, respectively, within their local testbeds. 

We will be launching a new open call for the programme’s upcoming testbed phase on July 19th, with our three new location partners:  

  • Leeds City Council: Integration of innovation to tackle root causes of loss of independence in ageing communities 
  • University of Brighton and Brighton & Hove City Council: Trialling innovative approaches to reduce health inequalities and build resilience in carers and those they care for 
  • Essex County Council: Harnessing innovation to improve efficiencies and communication in care provision to people in their homes in rural areas 

The Catapult will provide funding and expertise to find and test innovative solutions to local challenges around healthy ageing. The testbed will begin in October 2022 and terminate in March 2023.