
Webinar: How health tech can improve the discharge to assess process for healthcare staff and patients

This webinar will provide the chance to hear how digital innovation can support discharge to assess services, join us!
An older woman with gray hair sits on a couch, smiling and gesturing, while a younger person with dark hair in a white coat talks to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Event finished: 14th August 2024

When and where?

14th August 2024
2:00pm - 3:00pm


This event is now complete
This event will take place online via Teams.For those involved in the discharge and then the ongoing assessment of patients, this session will provide the chance to hear how digital innovation can support discharge to assess services. Discharge to assess (D2A) is about funding and supporting people to leave hospital, when it is safe and appropriate to do so, and continuing their care and assessment out of hospital. They can then be assessed for their longer-term needs in the right place. New technologies hold the potential to improve this process and provide a better experience and more targeted care packages for patients. They also offer the opportunity to streamline workflows and free up valuable time for teams involved in the discharge of patients, including clinical care, social care, and therapy teams. An example of this is the work that MiiCare has been undertaking with Sodexo, deploying their technology in the homes of recently discharged patients, resulting in reduced emergency hospital bed days by 77% within the test group. In this webinar, experts will delve into how the (D2A) pathway is used and why innovation is needed in this field. We'll cover the current challenges in the D2A pathway, such as poor patient flow and information sharing, and explore the potential benefits of embedding new technological solutions. You'll be introduced to Monica, a cutting-edge AI-based preventative solution developed by MiiCare, specifically to improve workflow and support the NHS to discharge patients as soon as they are optimised. You'll gain first-hand insights from clinicians and commissioning experts on how these technologies are being used to support the provision of care for vulnerable adults in their homes, and the real-world impact they've had. MiiCare is leading a consortium that has successfully obtained an Innovate UK Smart grant to address the challenges connected with the D2A model. As part of this grant, they have formed partnerships with De Montfort University, Connected Places Catapult, Leicester, Leicestershire, Rutland ICB, and Willows Health. This webinar will offer a dynamic, interactive session where you can ask our experts and fellow innovators questions, gain valuable insights, and explore future collaborations to improve the flow of the D2A process. Don’t miss this chance to learn about innovative solutions and their impact on healthcare.[cpc_agenda_container][cpc_agenda_item cpc_agenda_item__date="14:00" cpc_agenda_item__text="Introductions" cpc_agenda_item__information="Introduce the project and consortium Alizee McClorg, Connected Places Catapult"][cpc_agenda_item cpc_agenda_item__date="14:05" cpc_agenda_item__text="The Challenge" cpc_agenda_item__information="Alizee McLorg, Connected Places Catapult Nicole Atwell, Leicester County Council"][cpc_agenda_item cpc_agenda_item__date="14:15" cpc_agenda_item__text="The Solution" cpc_agenda_item__information="- How the consortium sought to overcome the problem - Research & development Clive Flashman, MiiCare"][cpc_agenda_item cpc_agenda_item__date="14:30" cpc_agenda_item__text="The Outcomes" cpc_agenda_item__information="- The outcome and benefits of the work done - How this has benefitted the organisations so far - Future plans Dr Richard Wong, Willows Health Adriano Maluf, De Montfort University"][cpc_agenda_item cpc_agenda_item__date="14:45" cpc_agenda_item__text="Q&A and closing remarks" cpc_agenda_item__information="Alizee McLorg, Connected Places Catapult"][cpc_agenda_item cpc_agenda_item__date="15:00" cpc_agenda_item__text="Webinar end"][/cpc_agenda_container]