CReDo Ofwat Catalyst Showcase: Exploring Extreme Heat Scenarios for the Water Sector
Event finished: 16th July 2024
When and where?
10:30am - 12:00pm
In 2022, temperatures in the UK surpassed 40oC for the first time in recorded history. The overall additional cost to Anglian Water customers from the impact of this extreme heat event was valued at £2.9m, which includes additional energy costs associated with keeping assets cool enough to operate. Extreme heat is happening now, and it is even more likely to occur in the future. The water sector is only just beginning to understand the effect of these extreme heat events on asset failure.
Join us on 16 July 10:30-12:00, for CReDo Ofwat Catalyst Showcase, to find out how Anglian Water have worked alongside CReDo (Climate Resilience Demonstrator) and its partners to address this problem and improve the water sector’s understanding of the impact of extreme heat on assets.
Following on from the CReDo proof of concept phase, which showed how it is possible to share data across water, telecoms and energy networks to increase resilience across the infrastructure system, CReDo Ofwat Catalyst has focused at looking at the impact of extreme heat on water assets, how failure will occur and the likelihood of failure.
We’ll share how CReDo Ofwat Catalyst has overcome the challenge of a lack of historical asset failure data for extreme heat scenarios through the process of expert elicitation; a process which involves extracting the knowledge from expert engineers and digitising that knowledge into a format usable by the CReDo digital twin and web application. Discover more about how valuable insights into the probability and characteristics of future heat events have also been developed. See a demonstration of how this data has been combined and presented through a graphical interface made accessible via a secure web app. Finally, learn more about how this data can be leveraged using the CReDo digital twin platform to better understand the potential impacts of cascade failures across utilities and what further opportunities exist for future collaboration.