Zero-Emission Heavy Goods Vehicles Safety and Security

Safety and security of refuelling our vehicles should not be taken for granted. While this work happens largely behind the scenes, the measures recommended in the Report should be implemented to make operations as safe as possible.

As fossil fuels are phased out, we need to make sure that battery electric charging and hydrogen refuelling operations are safe. This Report highlights the preventative and mitigation measures associated with potential hazards from the introduction of zero-emission HGVs and supporting infrastructure. The Report signposts stakeholders to the relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice to enable implementation and the transition to zero emission HGVs and their infrastructure in a safe and efficient manner.

This Report acts as a call to action, inviting comments from industry prior to a final issue published in 2025. If you would like to provide any feedback on knowledge gaps, priority areas or have a general interest in this work, please get in touch with Tom Marsh, Systems Engineer,

Zero-Emission Heavy Goods Vehicles Safety and Security
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