Public Realm Innovation Initiative

Partner with Connected Places Catapult to unlock the value of public space through a Test & Learn intervention.

Applications close 30 April

High-quality public spaces have the potential to support economic growth, wellbeing and climate resilience. They attract investment, increase property values and deliver social benefits. However, more work is needed to unlock the full potential of public realm schemes; understand what interventions are most effective; and support the development of new solutions.   

Preliminary research conducted by the Catapult identified three key challenges faced by public realm schemes:  

  • An insufficient evidence base to understand social and environmental outcomes, and inform investment decisions   
  • Fragmented policies leading to delays and inconsistent outcomes across the country  
  • A lack of meaningful community engagement that allows real influence and builds trust with communities  

Ultimately, these challenges contribute to uncertainty around investments and represent a significant barrier to the delivery of high-impact public realm schemes.    

The research revealed that these barriers extend beyond technology. However, technology remains a critical enabler. Digital tools can enhance engagement, data platforms can support evidence-based design and collaborative technologies can strengthen partnerships.  

The Catapult wants to establish a built environment ‘test and learn intervention’ that supports innovators with new ideas that could address these challenges and unlock the value of public spaces.   

From using data-driven tools to inform investment decisions, to leveraging digital platforms to enhance community engagement; and from developing adaptive infrastructure that responds to changing urban needs, to trailing greening strategies that make policy ambitions such as biodiversity net gain and climate resilience practical and deliverable. 

The Catapult is planning to make Innovate UK grant funding available to innovators as part of this initiative over the next twelve months and will be seeking an element of match funding from the partner(s) selected.   

What is a Test & Learn intervention? 

A Test & Learn intervention is a structured, evidence-based approach that enables organisations and end-users to trial innovative solutions in real-world settings. This process allows stakeholders to explore, refine, and validate new ideas before wider implementation, ensuring they are practical and scalable. 

To learn more about how the Catapult can collaborate with you and explore past innovation interventions case studies, please view our Test & Learn Innovation Interventions for Places deck.

Programme Opportunities 

The intention for the first year of the programme is to focus on the three challenges identified through the lens of health and wellbeing – which was found by researchers to be a key topic area for stakeholders in the built environment. Key lines of investigation could include:    

  • How might we use evidence-based approaches to design, evaluate, and improve public spaces for measurable and investable health and wellbeing outcomes?  
  • How might we foster collaboration among local stakeholders to balance competing priorities, fund, and co-create high-quality public spaces that deliver health and wellbeing benefits?  
  • How might we create inclusive community engagement strategies that empower diverse voices, build trust in development, and ensure the sustainable maintenance of public spaces that support health and wellbeing?  

These opportunities stem from in-depth stakeholder interviews and market engagement to identify areas for innovation and highlight where current approaches are falling short. To learn more about our stakeholder research, please view our Market Research Summary deck

What to Expect 

The initiative will enable selected partners to work closely with Connected Places Catapult, local stakeholders and communities to design and implement a tailored Test & Learn intervention addressing local place-based challenges. 

We begin by helping partners define and assess their challenges, particularly those related to health and wellbeing, through research and stakeholder engagement. 

In parallel, we evaluate partners’ innovation ambitions and deployment capabilities to design a bespoke Test & Learn intervention. This includes scoping the intervention, defining governance, and establishing processes and ways of working. Next, the Catapult will support partners in co-designing solutions with local innovators and communities or connecting them with existing, innovative solutions that best address the identified challenges. 

We then support partners and local stakeholders in creating a safe space to trial new approaches, products and services while gathering evidence on their real-world impact. Finally, we assist in analysing the impact of trials and the overall Test & Learn intervention, identifying pathways for scaling solutions and sustaining innovation efforts. 

What’s on Offer to Partners 

Partnering with the Catapult offers the following benefits: 

Position yourself as a leader in urban innovation: We will help you deploy innovative solutions that create high-quality future-ready public spaces.   

Leverage Connected Places Catapult’s expertise: By accessing networks and opportunities to explore and develop innovation interventions. You will benefit from activities funded by our Innovate UK grant fund in FY 2025/26. 

Boost asset value and place profitability: By creating healthy and resilient places that people want to live, work, and play in, we will help you boost footfall, increase rental and sales value, and attract tenants, investors, and buyers.   

De-risk the process of adopting innovation: By testing concepts and solutions in real-world environments with local communities and stakeholders and in a safe-to-fail manner – collecting data and evaluating cost-benefit for integrating innovative solutions in your places.    

Test potential for scalability and replication: By testing innovative solutions prior to commercial contracting, you can build the business case for innovative solutions that can be scaled and replicated across your portfolio. 

Strengthen relationships with investors, tenants, local communities, and local authorities: By demonstrating commitment to sustainable, innovative places that meet current and future demands.   

Eligibility criteria

We welcome expressions of interest from individual organisations, consortia, or joint ventures that: 

  • Operate in the UK with a focus on real estate development or place management. 
  • Have ownership or influence over mixed-use developments and a commitment to enhancing public spaces. 
  • Can provide sites within public space for the trial of innovative solutions, whether pre-development land or managed places.   
  • Demonstrate previous experience or future ambition to test and implement new ideas, technologies, or approaches. 
  • Value health, wellbeing, and sustainability in placemaking. 
  • Are willing to share insights and contribute to wider knowledge exchange. 

How to apply

If your organisation is interested in partnering with us on this transformative initiative, we invite you to submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) by 30 April 2025.  

We encourage early engagement – to book a call with us to discuss the opportunity in more detail and understand how your organisation can get involved, please email us at

Supporting documents