
Ten firms welcomed onto latest freight programme

Freight Innovation Fund Accelerator’s third cohort announced at a showcase in London.
Aerial view of multicolored shipping containers organized in rows at a large industrial port, with yellow cranes loading and unloading containers in the background.

Funding of £1.8 million to drive innovation and decarbonise the freight sector has been announced by Government, in a programme delivered by Connected Places Catapult.

The Freight Innovation Fund will give 10 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) access to technical and business support to develop and trial new projects.

Examples of ground-breaking ideas that will become reality include TUAL working with Wincanton to trial high performance powerbanks for electric lorries, and Innervated Vehicle Engineering working in partnership with ASDA to retrofit hydrogen power to small delivery vans.

This funding is the third tranche of the Department for Transport’s Freight Innovation Fund Accelerator Programme, a £7 million Government investment across three years to support the freight sector in deploying AI and automation to improve the way trains, lorries, vans and ships carry parcels and goods.

The Freight Innovation Fund is proving highly successful in fostering industry investment, as UK businesses from the first year of the fund have so far raised £97 million in additional capital to fund their innovative projects. 

“Building on the success of the Freight Innovation Fund to date, I’m very pleased to welcome a third cohort of high potential innovators onto the Accelerator.

“This programme gives bespoke support to SMEs, working hand-in-hand with industry as they trial their solutions in real-world environments. By supporting new ideas in freight, we are helping to unlock the sector’s potential to be greener and more efficient.”
Erika Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, Connected Places Catapult
“Freight is a crucial engine of our economy, and it is only right we do all we can to improve working conditions, pioneer innovation and drive sustainability across the industry. 
“Our investment, combined with investment from the industry, will ensure lorry drivers can enjoy safer parking, a proper rest and a warm meal, while supporting UK businesses harvest the best of technology to move freight faster, decarbonise our supply chain, and grow the economy for all.” 
Future of Roads Minister Lilian Greenwood

The SMEs selected to join the third cohort of the Freight Innovation Fund Accelerator are:

Find out more about the 10 firms in the latest Freight Innovation Fund cohort. Download the cohort brochure.

Freight Innovation Fund Cohort 3 Brochure

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