Innovation Brief: Post-Pandemic Places

Innovation in the age of COVID-19 and beyond 

In this Innovation Brief we highlight how connected places businesses have already risen to the challenge of COVID-19 and explore some of the market opportunities that the pandemic has created or accelerated for post-pandemic places. 

The onset of coronavirus and the sudden change in the way we all live, work, and play has had a huge impact on people and businesses. 

While the loss of life has been devastating, the experience of life under lockdown and social distancing has stimulated new behaviours which have the potential to accelerate positive trends towards a more environmentally sustainable and equitable way of life. Acceptance has quickly turned to preference for many of the changes wrought by the pandemic – in particular, remote working and cleaner, quieter environments. Responding to these new user needs and expectations represents a significant opportunity for businesses in the connected places market. 

Published four months on from the start of the first lockdown, this Innovation Brief  looks back at how connected places businesses and place leaders rose to the occasion in responding to COVID-19, considers trends and changing market demand as we move into the restart phase, and signals longer-term opportunities to define our eventual recovery. 

We hope you will find it an engaging and insightful guide as you navigate the market for innovation in post-pandemic places. 

We have split the Post-Pandemic Places Innovation Brief into the following chapters:

Learn more about Post-Pandemic Places in the selection of blog posts & insights from our experts:

It takes a virus – Leveraging COVID-19 to accelerate levelling up

A Future for Places – COVID-19 crisis and the potential long-term effects on places, housing, neighbourhoods and cities
How neuroscience could shape a more empathetic built environment
How should cities think about the role of data in their Covid recovery?

Coronavirus, cities and data: How Coronavirus has changed the Smart City Movement
Mind the Gap: Clean mobility is on the rise, but what impact it will have on UK cities?