Net Zero Navigator and OnePlanet

Practical tools to create, make the case for and execute local plans to reach Net Zero
The UK has committed to reach net zero emissions by 2050. Many local authorities have declared climate emergencies and set earlier target dates, often 2030. The time to act is now – and the pathway to reducing emissions is as important as the destination.
In this context, Connected Places Catapult have partnered with Useful Simple Trust, Space Syntax and OnePlanet to develop tools to support local areas in moving from aspiration to action: to develop and refine climate action plans and deliver them.
Developed with the input of more than 40 local authorities in the UK, the Net Zero Navigator is a strategic tool which local authorities and other stakeholders can use to formulate, iterate and finalise plans which are tailored to their local context. There are lots of tools and resources out there. Net Zero Navigator is different because:
- It recognises that each local area is different, but there are meaningful commonalities which can be identified (for example in the potential of an area for different forms of renewables, or the spatial characteristics which suggest particular transport interventions). The tool helps local authorities identify councils with shared characteristics and challenges to learn from and support each other.
- As well as considering the sources of emissions in a local area to suggest actions, it allows users to select co-benefits (for example jobs, health) which are most important and considers the impact of interventions on these. These can then be used to support the case for emissions reducing interventions.
- It sign-posts users to a huge range of specialist resources, suppliers, tools and funding to help them refine plans
In addition, we are excited that through our partnership with OnePlanet, you can take a plan created in the Net Zero Navigator and use their platform to operationalise it – to allocate actions, monitor progress and keep everyone updated. OnePlanet also helps map and build connections between local stakeholders to enable joined up action and bring co-benefits to life as ‘shared outcomes’.
Please sign-up for a free account through the link below and watch the launch webinar to see a guided walk through of how to use the tools. For further information, please contact netzeronavigator@cp.catapult.org.uk.