We convene the markets to spark disruptive innovation and scale up Net Zero and resilience technologies, by developing the business and operational case for adoption and deployment.
Materials scientist Alalea Kia has developed an advanced concrete surface that drains water quickly, with support from the Transport Research & Innovation Grants programme.
Discover how cross-sector collaboration and digital innovation can safeguard communities from the rising threats of extreme weather and infrastructure failures.
The time is ripe for the aerospace and technology sectors to collaborate towards a more integrated approach to alternative transportation and fuel options. And it’s an ideal opportunity to position the UK as a world leader in new aviation technology.
Traffic congestion has been identified as one of Brazil’s most pressing urban challenges. In the last 15 years public transport ridership dropped 15%, while the country’s car fleet tripled.
Rural environments are often perceived as areas of low demand for travel. Urban areas are thriving in trialling more connected and digital new mobility services, yet rural areas often struggle to attract investments in this area.
Weather affects almost every project in the construction industry, and is responsible for, on average, 21% extensions to deadlines. This is serious as it decreases a contractor’s profit margin and delays revenue generation for clients.
With more than 50% of the global population living in cities, the urban way of life has brought both indisputable advantages and significant challenges, particularly related to the air that we breathe.
More than two thirds of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. The ongoing and future rapid urbanisation is likely to exacerbate existing problems such as air pollution, noise pollution and traffic congestion.