ZEFI Cranfield Demo Agenda
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The ZEFI 1 project created and published a blueprint for zero emissions energy infrastructure for airports. The blueprint has been a valuable knowledge base to assist airports and operators understand the system architecture, types of equipment required and their individual maturity levels. Due to the nascent state of the hydrogen aviation market however, there are still considerable unknowns which could act as a barrier to zero emissions flight developing in the UK.
Through the use of its Global Research Airport, Cranfield University has been building a set of research facilities to support the development of the hydrogen economy, ranging from hydrogen production facilities through to distribution and powertrain applications, including H2 combustion.
As part of the ZEFI 2 project, we would like to take the opportunity to share learnings from building the most advanced hydrogen aviation infrastructure in the UK, as envisaged by the ZEFI 1 blueprint architecture
This programme is offered as a unique and distinct demonstration that is not funded by existing research projects, and which will accelerate the diffusion of knowledge and experience into the UK community, as well as showcasing the impact of the current and previous phases of the ZEFI project and providing a networking opportunity for invited delegates.
ZEFI Cranfield Demo Agenda
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Cranfield Campus Map
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