Slingshot Simulations’ software allows regional policy makers and their consultants to connect data and analytics around the built environment, to help them to rapidly prioritise interventions that support the development and implementation of regional strategies around local transport, energy and climate plans – and understand how they will likely evolve over time.
“Fundamentally we help them to make better decisions faster and at lower cost, by ensuring the data and analytics can be easily understood. We help them to bring the siloed information together to see what policy options work best for the benefit of the environment, regeneration and growth,” Robert says.
He adds that rapid advances in AI seen recently allow results to be generated and interrogated more quickly; meaning that an activity that may previously have taken weeks or months could be completed in hours or days.
The company’s ‘decision intelligence’ software platform Compass:Engine, for instance, has been used to show how flood and traffic simulations can be combined to develop a more climate resilient transport network, while identifying vulnerable assets. It has also been used to show the impact of displaced traffic and emissions from introducing Low Emission Zones – and featured in the Transport Research and Innovation Board Digital Twin Roadmap 2035, delivered by Connected Places Catapult on behalf of the Department for Transport.