Ten thousand delegates from around the world came together under the title ‘Actions meet Ambition’ in April at Singapore Maritime Week, including myself and SME Investor Relations Manager, Yusuf Chadun.
Proceedings opened with an address by Singapore’s Minister for Transport who explained that Singapore – already a major port and bunkering facility – will be opening three more berths by next year to add to its current eight, as it plans to increase container throughput from around 38 million units a year to 65 million.
We heard that the port is keen to collaborate with and invest in global partners. This could be good news for the UK which already has several Memoranda of Understandings with Singapore and is delivering on innovation partnerships across different technology sectors including maritime.
Singapore has created a ‘living lab’ in the port to develop innovation, and is a globally recognised regulatory ‘sandbox’ with strong capabilities in maritime drones. The port has full 5G coverage across the site and its approaches, with access to specialist vessel design capabilities.
It is also involved in a digitalisation transformation programme involving the UK’s National Physical Laboratory along with the Alan Turing Institute and Amazon Web Services, which offers a generative AI suite used for fuel optimisation and carbon emission tracking.