Championing small businesses
We heard that Canada has thousands of SMEs involved in maritime, working in critical areas related to digitalisation and autonomy. They are supported by federal and provincial government programmes, along with government funded institutions and regional development agencies; with major clusters in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Quebec on the east coast, and Vancouver and British Columbia on the west coast.
During a seminar focused on the Canadian maritime sector, I heard from Jeff Stockhausen from the National Research Council Canada (NRC), who leads on a $500M annual fund called the Industrial Research Assistance Programme. Remarkably, it has supported over 10,000 SMEs over the last 77 years. It was expanded in 2012 to offer international co-innovation support, and currently has $150M invested in 800 projects in 45 countries across the world, including the UK.
Also speaking was Heather Desserud of the Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA), established by NATO to promote emerging maritime technology. Memoranda of Understanding have been signed with both Plymouth and South Devon Freeport for both sites to become NATO test centres. In addition, this summer it launches five challenges for SMEs, after a recent pilot competition saw 1300 applications and 44 companies selected to receive (Euro) 100,000 each.