A Roadmap to Innovation-led Prosperity

Ambitious approach to leadership, strategy and investment key to enabling innovation-led prosperity in UK’s largest cities
Sam Markey
Ecosystem director

Place leaders across the UK, their business partners, and national policy makers all share the desire to see more UK cities take advantage of the innovation economy’s potential to:

  • Improve local productivity;
  • Increase investment in UK R&D, particularly from private sources;
  • Deliver more inclusive and sustainable growth; and
  • Provide answers to the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems.

Achieving this ambition is essential to the future prosperity of the UK’s population and the viability of its cities and economy. In this new three-part series, A roadmap to Innovation-led Prosperity, we lay out the opportunity, diagnose the challenges to be overcome and propose a suite of practical actions which can empower more places across the UK to navigate their way to an innovation-led future of sustainable growth and prosperity.

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Whilst focused on cities and other urban areas as primary clusters of innovation, and the subject of the RSA Urban Future Commission which this work is intended to support, the proposals in these papers are relevant to many other places including towns and rural areas across the UK and we would welcome a wider dialogue with anyone working to foster innovation-led prosperity.

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Part 1 – The Opportunity of the Urban Era

Explore the state of the UK’s urban innovation landscape, discover its enormous potential and where it risks falling behind global competitors.

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Part 2 – Seizing the opportunity

Discover three areas of practical action place leaders can take to navigate the barriers and accelerate innovation-led prosperity in their own areas, illustrated by examples of pioneering practice from across the UK.

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Part 3 – A Place-centric Path to Prosperity

Transform the destiny of your city with resources to help place leaders put the Roadmap’s insights and ideas into action, including a new ‘Typology of City Pathways’ with recommendations tailored to the distinctive histories, assets, strengths and challenges of different cohorts of UK cities.

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Insights Summary

Download a brief summary of all the analysis and ideas from the Roadmap for Innovation-led Prosperity series.

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Business champions in the West Midlands spoke about how changing the culture of procurement can benefit innovators and public sector buyers during a showcase of the DIATOMIC Accelerator programme, convened by Connected Places Catapult.
‘Changing lives through research delivery’ is the winner’s aim from the Inclusive Innovation category at the Northern Power Women Awards, supported by Connected Places Catapult. Here, Sarah Fallon and Joanne Henry from the National Institute for Health and Care Research, Clinical Research Network Greater Manchester explain what they do, and reflect on what they have achieved.