Projects, opportunities


HMGCC Challenge: Miniature detectors sought to spot drones

Drone detectors, small enough to fit inside a pocket or a hand, are sought in a new challenge launched by HMGCC Co-Creation.
An airport runway at sunset with several airplanes parked and one being towed by a ground vehicle.

Zero Emission Airports (ZEA)

Decarbonising airport operations and developing the infrastructure to support zero-emission flight

West Midlands Logistics & Distribution Cluster – Board Member opportunity

Connected Places Catapult and West Midlands Combined Authority are launching the West Midlands Distribution & Logistics Cluster, designed to drive innovation and growth in the region’s logistics and distribution sectors.

Call for Expressions of Interest: Airport Perimeter Monitoring

Connected Places Catapult, in collaboration with Glasgow Airport’s Living Lab, is inviting organisations and innovators to express their interest in demonstrating novel security technologies for perimeter monitoring and patrolling.



CReDo: Data Sharing Principles Framework and Architecture

CReDo (The Climate Resilience Demonstrator) has potential to realise benefits across the infrastructure network.

Opportunities for UK SMEs in the Indian Electric Two- And Three-Wheel Micromobility Market

This report supports Connected Places Catapult’s knowledge-sharing programme for UK SMEs looking to enter the Indian E2/3W vehicle ecosystem by partnering with Indian companies.

Zero emission Airports (ZEA)

Decarbonising airport operations and developing the infrastructure to support zero-emission flight.

Maritime Innovation Flagship Programme: Future Fuels Blueprint 

The maritime sector faces several challenges in transitioning to net zero fuel use. Joined up decarbonisation planning across key stakeholder groups is needed to enable the successful adoption of future fuels.