About the project
Delivering sustainable growth and understanding where it can best be accommodated is a national challenge and one that is ripe for innovation. It requires transport, housing and infrastructure planners to leverage data and take a joined-up approach.
The digital transformation of the planning system has an important role in enabling more efficient, transparent and strategic decision making across the nation. The built environment and transport sectors are responsible for 42% of operational greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Many new developments have been delivered in isolated locations with limited access to amenities and services by active travel (walking, wheeling and cycling) or public transport.
To address this, transport, land-use and infrastructure decision makers need to work more collaboratively, beyond their existing silos, to deliver positive outcomes for people and places.
From national strategies like the Transport Decarbonisation Plan to the Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill, there is a clear imperative for placemaking and regeneration that promotes sustainable growth, decarbonisation and higher quality places. Given the pressure to deliver new homes at pace, it is important to create a robust and shared understanding of where growth can best be accommodated to support the delivery of the UK’s decarbonisation and Levelling Up objectives.