=== Kadence Blocks Pro – Gutenberg Page Builder Toolkit === Contributors: britner, oakesjosh, woodardmc Tags: gutenberg, blocks, page builder, google fonts, dual buttons, svg icons, editor width, Requires at least: 6.2 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 2.4.5 Requires PHP: 7.4 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Custom Blocks for Gutenberg to help extend the editing capabilities. == Description == This plugin adds custom blocks to extend Gutenberg's editing capabilities. This is a premium add on to Kadence Blocks. == Installation == Install the plugin into the `/wp-content/plugins/` folder, and activate it. This plugin is an extension of Kadence Blocks, you will be asked to install it if you do not have it installed already. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where do I report security bugs found in this plugin? = Please report security bugs found in the source code of the Kadence Blocks Pro plugin through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program https://patchstack.com/database/vdp/kadence-blocks-pro The Patchstack team will assist you with verification, CVE assignment, and notify the developers of this plugin. == Security Policy == = Reporting Security Bugs = Please report security bugs found in the Kadence Blocks Pro plugin's source code through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program https://patchstack.com/database/vdp/kadence-blocks-pro. The Patchstack team will assist you with verification, CVE assignment, and notify the developers of this plugin. == Changelog == == 2.4.5 | 8th August 2024 == * Add: Modal aria label option for the modal block. * Fix: Issue with dynamic button links in Advanced Query loop. == 2.4.4 | 8th August 2024 == * Enhancement: Improved performance of dynamic content in the Advanced Query Loop and Repeater blocks. * Fix: Repeater blocks not correctly updating their content when source changed. * Fix: Inability to edit a repeater block in query loop if first post had no repeater content. * Fix: Brevo contacts not updating contact details when resubmitting form. * Fix: Filter counts for Advanced Query loop when used on archive pages. * Fix: Issue when uploading custom SVGs in some environments. * Fix: Better handling when query loop index table is missing or deleted. * Fix: Query loop filter button CSS specificity. * Fix: Advanced slider CSS tweak and fix when used with image overlay. * Fix: Allow users to set custom filter limit in Advanced Query Loop using a WordPress filter. * Fix: Carousel column gap in editor when set to 0. == 2.4.3 | 17th July 2024 == * Fix: Post grid title line height. == 2.4.2 | 16th July 2024 == * Fix: Advanced Slider dotstyle not showing in editor. * Fix: Custom anchor tags on modals not displaying on front end. * Fix: Unitless line height on post grid title. * Fix: Query card selection dropdown overlapping in editor. * Fix: Query loop language incorrect after filtering when using polylang. * Fix: Adv Form Mailchimp submissions were not being saved if fields were previously mapped but are no longer. == 2.4.1 | 9th July 2024 == * Fix: Some Query Loops not showing on sites without WooCommerce. == 2.4.0 | 8th July 2024 == * Add: Ability to upload custom SVG icons to Kadence icon picker. * Add: Carousel Option to Advanced Slider * Add: New slider arrow style options * Add: Option to show slider overflow. * Add: Portfolio Grid option to only show posts by author. * Fix: Hidden Woo products being shown in advanced query loop results. * Fix: Filtering by in-stock status in advanced query loop. * Fix: Image overlay breaking when color pallet is deleted. * Fix: Checkbox ACF field in repeater block. * Fix: Box shadow on filter buttons in Adv query loop. * Fix: Repeater block not detecting Meta Box groups. * Fix: Query cards now save their preview post type. * Fix: Shortcodes in query cards when filtered. * Fix: split content block with image set to cover in loop items. == 2.3.11 | 18th June 2024 == * Add: Post grid toggle to only show posts by author. * Add: Post grid option to force image to height of container. * Add: Post grid align options for content and read more text. * Fix: Inheriting pagination in query loop on archive pages. * Fix: Query loop input padding. * Fix: Query loop filter buttons border. * Fix: Query loop search filter padding in editor. * Fix: Repeater block compatibility in image overlay, modal, post grid, split content, and video popup. * Fix: Line height in dynamic html block. * Fix: Post save issue on some very long posts with lots of dynamic content. * Fix: Field border radius not saving in query loop fields. == 2.3.10 | 3rd June 2024 == * Fix: Filtering by woo attributes in Adv query loop. Reindex your posts at Kadence -> Queries -> Force Reindex. * Fix: Filtering by woo meta in Adv query loop. * Fix: Filtering by post date in adv query loop. * Fix: Button filter border radius unit. * Fix: Custom CSS classes not applying to filters in query loop. == 2.3.9 | 14th May 2024 == * Fix: Dynamic HTML block not rendering correctly if saved in 2.3.8. * Fix: Display of gradient picker when using color palette. == 2.3.8 | 8th May 2024 == * Add: Ability to use fields inside ACF group fields as dynamic content. * Fix: Query loop filters based on post types displaying the slug instead of label. * Fix: Issue when filtering query loop on Woocommerce attributes. * Fix: Restrict some site settings from being used in dynamic content. * Fix: Restrict users without manage_options access from creating dynamic content with options. == 2.3.7 | 23rd April 2024 == * Add: Link to view full changelog on Kadence website. * Fix: Dynamic HTML typography not applying if repeater field is used. * Fix: Product carousel in mega menu. * Fix: Portfolio Grid/Carousel not showing one less post when used in element. * Fix: Repeater block styles applying to unexpected elements. * Fix: Swatch filter when the term being used was the default and not specifically selected. * Fix: Query Loop filter result counts when children are sorted hierarchically. == 2.3.6 | 9th April 2024 == * Add: Dynamic content for The Events Calendar. * Fix: Possible css issue in FSE templates. * Fix: Issue with theme colors not working when changing opacity. == 2.3.5 | 3rd April 2024 == * Fix: Editing the repeater block in WordPress 6.5. == 2.3.4 | 2nd April 2024 == * Add: Option to show author website link in post grid. * Fix: Filter results for advanced query loop range filter. * Fix: Issue where "Show children" option would show in query loop editor when it shouldn't. * Fix: Image path for ajax loading animation. == 2.3.3 | 19th March 2024 == * Update: Block API version. * Update: improved js and css styling. * Fix: An issue when using custom meta key in Dynamic Content. * Fix: An issue with counts in the advanced query block. * Fix: An issue with templated field values in the auto response email in empty. * Fix: An issue with labels with dropdown fields for the advanced query block. == 2.3.2 | 6th March 2024 == * Fix: Title & subtitle margins on image overlay block. * Fix: Selecting Kadence Elements as card in query loop. * Fix: Prevent lazy load class not applying to dynamic advanced images when setting was enabled. * Fix: Support page (pg) url parameter in query loop when using infinite scroll. * Fix: Not all posts type showing in advanced query filters when inheriting query. * Fix: Error when adding advanced query as a widget. * Fix: Modal block when used in query loop cards. * Fix: Issue where selecting a new field from the repeater sidebar would show no content. == 2.3.1 | 12th February 2024 == * Fix: Error in editor when modifying conditional form settings. * Fix: Error in editor when modifying styles on query loop button filter. * Fix: Result count when using infinite scroll. * Fix: Infinite scroll output when using filters. * Fix: Button filter typography settings not applying * Fix: Excluded/included terms in query loop showing on front end. == 2.3.0 | 6th February 2024 == * Add: Ability to use Kadence Elements as card in query loop. * Add: Ability to use Woo Templates as card in query loop. * Add: Infinite scroll to query loop. * Add: Range filter to query loop. * Add: Swatch filter to query loop. * Add: Rating filter to query loop. * Add: Related posts option to query loop. * Add: Ability to select individual posts in query loop. * Add: Ability to adjust term order in query loop. * Add: Ability to use icons in query loop filter labels. * Add: Toggle for sticky posts in query loop. * Add: Ability to limit text length in Dynamic HTML block. * Add: Ability to strip HTML in Dynamic HTML block. * Fix: query loop gap units not applying properly. * Fix: Image overlay block inside of query loop on non-Kadence themes. * Fix: Glightbox min.js file not being minified. * Fix: query loop block inside of mega menus. * Fix: Other various query loop bugs. == 2.2.5 | 5th February 2024 == * Add: New Form Analytics option. * Add: New option to make sections conditional in forms. * Add: Get Response as an action option in the Advanced Form. * Fix: Improve dynamic html & list support in repeater block. * Fix: Incorrect column count in Query Loop block on product catalog page. * Fix: Image overlay border-radius not applying to the image. * Fix: Video popup gradient is not applied to overlay image. * Fix: Issue with PHP 8.2 and dynamic property warning. * Fix: Issue with sticky posts affecting editor post selection. * Fix: License link conditions. == 2.2.4 | 9th January 2024 == * Fix: Undefined issue on settings page. == 2.2.3 | 8th January 2024 == * Fix: Fix hard coded table name prefix. * Fix: Query loop API endpoint when site is in subfolder * Fix: Query loop API endpoint when not using pretty permalinks * Fix: Issue with RTL Carousels * Fix: Potential conflict with plugins that modify default post content * Fix: Advanced Query Loop labels not hiding when set to hidden * Fix: Icon based pagination links not clickable * Fix: Row & Column gap units not applying on Advanced Query Loop cards * Fix: Fix PHP undefined notice issue. == 2.2.2 | 3rd January 2024 == * Add: Image Size option to split content block. * Update: Repeater Block to work in FSE template. * Update: Alt text input in split content and image overlay block. * Update: Obfuscate key input. * Fix: Box shadow display on front end for some query loop inputs * Fix: Inaccurate advanced query loop results when using more than 2 filters * Fix: Styling issue with checkbox and button filters. * Fix: Issue with pagination stylesheet. * Fix: Issue with alt text in some dynamic images. * Fix: Issue with modal styling in query loop. * Fix: Issue with slider padding. * Fix: Issue with portfolio block font size css. * Fix: Issue with widgets page notice. == 2.2.1 | 8th December 2023 == * Fix: Issue with repeater and metabox. * Fix: RTL carousel css. * Fix: Multisite licensing issue. * Fix: Possible php notice with $group undefined. * Fix: Issue with image overlay css specificity. * Fix: Issue with border radius in portfolio grid. == 2.2.0 | 4th December 2023 == * Add: New licensing. * Add: Connections with AI. == 2.1.5 | 30th November 2023 == * Fix: Possible issue with PHP 7.3 == 2.1.4 | 29th November 2023 == * Update: Logic around inheriting queries in query loop. * Update: Logic around and/or with filters. * Fix: Issue with sliders in RTL * Fix: Arrow styles not showing on the front end. == 2.1.3 | 17th November 2023 == * Add: Advanced query loop block * Fix: Post grid container padding not applying in editor == 2.1.2 BETA 3 | 11th October 2023 == * Update: Add in 2.0.16 * Update: Fix updater notice. == 2.1.1 BETA 2 | 5th October 2023 == * Update: Text and Button blocks to use dynamic takeover instead of inline for repeater and query. == 2.1.0 BETA 1 | 16th August 2023 == * Add: Repeater Field Block. == 2.0.17 | 13th November 2023 == * Add: Setting to always show all custom fields in dynamic content. * Fix: Issue with Advanced From webhook values. * Fix: Post Grid custom except length when set greater than 55. * Fix: Setting post grid box shadow color * Fix: Post content & post excerpt both being selected in meta relationship dynamic content. * Fix: Better sizing for modal preview in editor. == 2.0.16 | 11th October 2023 == * Update: Entry save when using multiple file uploads. * Update: ActiveCampaign connection. * Fix: Possible php notices. == 2.0.15 | 3rd October 2023 == * Fix: Responsive max width issue in advanced slider. * Fix: Some Mailchimp API requests failing. * Fix: Possible issue with older PHP version. * Fix: Modal border radius not applying if no color is set on border. == 2.0.14 | 19th September 2023 == * Add: Conditional fields for form block. * Add: Option in advanced slider to disable drag. * Fix: Portfolio fluid carousel issue. * Fix: Issue with dynamic posts page title. * Fix: Issue with slide render inline. == 2.0.13 | 11th September 2023 == * Fix: Modal border not applying unless background color was set. * Fix: Modal border radius unit not applying. * Fix: Image overlay image ratios on front end and in editor. * Fix: Selecting a block inside a modal, from list view, will preview the modal. * Fix: Possible issue on widgets page. * Fix: Issue with Portfolio carousel in element. * Fix: Issue with mobile slider ratio setting. == 2.0.12 | 28th August 2023 == * Fix: Advanced slider output on frontend. == 2.0.11 | 24th August 2023 == * Update: Add attributes to portfolio filter query. * Fix: Issue with image overlay and firefox browser. * Fix: Issue with form, modal, video popup in advanced slider. * Fix: Min height issue in split content * Fix: Autoplay off in portfolio carousel. * Fix: Portfolio grid gap settings. == 2.0.10 | 16th August 2023 == * Fix: Saving product carousel individual post selection. * Fix: Portfolio Grid single post selection ui. * Fix: Portfolio Grid gap not working on frontend. == 2.0.9 | 14th August 2023 == * Update: Add filter for in query content. * Update: Blocks to API 3. == 2.0.8 | 4th August 2023 == * Fix: Issue with portfolio grid filter. * Fix: Issue with media library filter bar. * Fix: Issue with excerpt length on Products in Post Grid. * Fix: Translation issue. == 2.0.7 | 2nd August 2023 == * Fix: Issue with read more text color. * Fix: Manual post selection in Portfolio grid block. == 2.0.6 | 2nd August 2023 == * Fix: Issue with missing css output when post grid block is present. * Fix: Issue with carousel align in post carousel. == 2.0.5 | 1st August 2023 == * Fix: Template locate issue. * Fix: Splide Script name * Fix: Post grid taxonomy filtering. * Fix: Portfolio grid columns in editor when using column gaps. * Fix: Some responsive editor previews not displaying correctly. * Fix: Custom classes not applying to gallery when using Dynamic Content. * Fix: Portfolio grid carousel not initiating on frontend. * Fix: Toolbar appearing behind modal block preview in editor. * Fix: Modal hidden when link disabled. * Fix: Image overlay radio not working in editor. == 2.0.4 BETA 5 | 12 July 2023 == * Fix: Improve PHP 8.2 support. * Fix: Issue with advanced form submit defaults. * Fix: "Select the post Taxonomy" not functioning. * Fix: Increase specificity of Splide CSS to avoid conflicts. * Fix: Product categories not showing while selecting individual products in Product Carousel. == 2.0.3 BETA 4 | 16th June 2023 == * Fix: Class Conflict Issue. == 2.0.2 BETA 3 | 15th June 2023 == * Update: Site wide Ids * Update: Pro Advanced Form Block * Update: Block Renaming == 2.0.1 BETA 2 | 3rd May 2023 == * Update: Advanced slider to use splide. * Fix: Issue with post carousel defaults. == 2.0.0 BETA 1 | 28th April 2023 == * Update: Use tabbed settings layout in all blocks * Update: Ability to copy/paste styles between blocks * Update: Support for variable font sizes * Update: Added block default settings * Update: All blocks using block API version 2 * Update: Add more responsive setting to blocks and improve CSS output * Update: Use Kadence components for font, border, and spacing controls * Update: All sliders & carousels using Splide * Update: New border/radius controls for Image Overlay * Update: New border/radius controls for Portfolio grid * Update: New border/radius controls for Video Popup Block * Update: Improved clarity and organization for all block controls * Update: New editing experience for Modal block content * Fix: Various effects and style now properly applied for Video Popup Block * Fix: Theme style now more naturally apply to Product Carousel items. * Fix: Support for private, unlisted, and password protected Vimeo videos * Fix: Image overlay title line height when inserting via hooked element * Fix: Split content issue when min-height is removed * Fix: Image overlay focus-within hover displaying improperly * Fix: Modal z-index when inserted via hooked element * Fix: Issue with image overlay margin causing layout to shift. * Fix: Mobile preview of AOS. == 1.7.29 | 21st April 2023 == * Update: Support for contextual media content in image block caption. * Fix: Issue with saving form date when referer over 255 characters. * Fix: Issue with image overlay focus bug. == 1.7.28 | 10th April 2023 == * Fix: Issue with dynamic link showing HTML entities. * Fix: Post Grid/Carousel image issue size when disabling the "Image is a link to post". * Fix: Issue with system files. * Fix: Issue with post select in 6.2. * Fix: Issue with portfolio grid carousel in widgets screen. == 1.7.27 | 28th March 2023 == * Update: Fix slider not showing correctly in tablet or mobile preview. * Fix: Issue with lightbox caption when using a dynamic gallery. * Fix: Spacing issue when returning a list inline dynamic content. * Fix: Color issue in 6.2. * Fix: Display products matching all setting. == 1.7.26 | 24th March 2023 == * Update: Fix custom class in slider. == 1.7.25 | 23rd March 2023 == * Update: Form database save of IP. * Update: Advanced slider to be a slider in the editor. * Fix: Animate on scroll settings not showing for pro blocks * Fix: Conditional display settings not showing for pro blocks * Fix: Date meta field not showing as option from PODS in dynamic content. * Fix: Link icon not showing in block toolbar when Rank Math SEO is active. * Fix: Dynamic gallery gutter settings. * Fix: Possible issue with taxonomy select. * Fix: Aria label in video popup. * Fix: Issue with string based image meta save. == 1.7.24 | 23rd February 2023 == * Update: Lightbox styles. * Fix: Issue gap in post grid block when using filter. * Fix: Video Popup Max width issue. == 1.7.23 | 21st February 2023 == * Fix: Query CSS build for dynamic styles. == 1.7.22 | 21st February 2023 == * Update: Term select to prevent the need for full list. * Update: Splide to not render clones when carousel doesn't have enough items. * Update: Video Popup to use Glight. * Fix: Issue with icon selector. * Fix: Issue with some types of dynamic images. * Fix: Issue with row gap in post grid carousel. * Fix: Issue with dynamic alt text. * Fix: Some dynamic content not rendering in context. * Fix: Issue with align not working in product carousel block. == 1.7.21 | 17th January 2023 == * Fix: Possible php bug with 8.2 * Fix: Dynamic issues with Blocks 3.0 == 1.7.20 | 19th December 2022 == * Update: Small change to the way hooked components work. * Update: Custom icon frontend support. == 1.7.19 | 17th November 2022 == * Add: Woocommerce product gallery dynamic source. * Update: Screen reader text for pagination. * Update: Prevent issue with RankMath in sitemap XML sitemap. * Fix: Issue with Slide transition in advanced slider. * Fix: Issue with modal focus transfer when closed. * Fix: Author images alt text. == 1.7.18 | 21st October 2022 == * Add: Option to show all custom fields in dynamic data selection. * Add: Option to search for active ActiveCampaign tags. * Update: Video Popup & Video Overlay to work in horizontal sections when a max width is applied. == 1.7.17 | 19th October 2022 == * Fix: Possible Issue with Dynamic Gallery. == 1.7.16 | 18th October 2022 == * Add: ActiveCampaign subscribe to form block. * Update: Custom icons to save sets as data and not files. * Update: Taxonomy Select for conditionals. * Update: Dynamic Content, custom field selection reload when source changes. * Update: Custom field rest call to use relationship as source. * Update: Modal button color selection. * Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery styles. * Fix: Issue with ACF archive custom meta. * Fix: Slider transition issue. * Fix: Extra min height control issue with slider. * Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery block and conditional display. * Fix: Issue with animate on scroll not working consistently after layout shift. * Fix: Language strings, missing in translation. == 1.7.15 | 29th August 2022 == * Fix: Issue with missing selection when using custom field for dynamic link. == 1.7.14 | 24th August 2022 == * Fix: Issue with post grid carousel not rendering in admin. == 1.7.13 | 23rd August 2022 == * Add: Pods Framework support to dynamic content. * Update: Author custom fields in link settings. * Update: include kadence_blocks_pro_product_carousel_atts filter. * Update: Add option to show author image in meta for post carousel grid block. * Update: Improve css when selecting dynamic fields. * Fix: Issue with carousel when empty. * Fix: Issue with show more and loop templates. * Fix: Issue with dynamic content selector in split content. * Fix: Issue with thumbnail gallery slider showing navigation dots. * Fix: Issue with image overlay block and loop templates. * Fix: Issue with dynamic html block and relationship content. * Fix: Translations not working. * Fix: Issue with fallback text in dynamic content. * Fix: Issue with animate on scroll and some elements. == 1.7.12 | 1st June 2022 == * Fix: Link style in dynamic list block. * Fix: Product carousel Autoplay speed. == 1.7.11 | 31st May 2022 == * Add: Add option for auto scroll carousel. * Fix: Issues with dynamic content not pulling in context. * Fix: Issue with dynamic galleries and thumbnails. * Fix: Issue with slow scrolling carousel. == 1.7.10 | 5th May 2022 == * Update: By default force sticky posts to not increase the posts per page when using post grid without pagination. * Update: Option to disable link on title in post grid block. * Fix: Issue with form entries search. * Fix: Issue with animate on scroll when below a carousel. * Fix: Issue with inline dynamic content not showing meta field options. * Fix: Issue with relationship ACF field where return is an object. * Fix: Issue with dynamic galleries in columns. * Fix: Issue with form entries meta not being removed correctly when entry is deleted. == 1.7.9 | 28th April 2022 == * Fix: Issue with carousel not loading with async. == 1.7.8 | 21st April 2022 == * Add: Dynamic HTML Block. * Add: Relationship Dynamic Content Options. * Add: Filter to optionally enable dynamic content for password protected posts. * Update: Splide js. * Fix: Issue with Typography component not saving. * Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery using slider type. == 1.7.7 | 17th April 2022 == * Fix: Issue with post grid padding when only one direction set in mobile and tablet. * Fix: Issue with autoplaying carousels in tabs. * Fix: Issue with portfolio grid block pagination. == 1.7.6 | 14th April 2022 == * Add: BoxShadow controls to modal block link. * Update: Modal block with option to hide popup content when block is not selected. * Fix: ACF checkboxes not showing highlighted in custom post meta for dynamic list. * Fix: Issue with Advanced Slider Inner Max Width. * Fix: Issue with carousel in tabs. * Fix: Issue with modal link icon when using em units. == 1.7.5 | 11th April 2022 == * Fix: Carousel Order being one off once rendered. * Fix: Autoplay always one in post grid carousel. == 1.7.4 | 9th April 2022 == * Update: Improve responsive settings selection when in widgets block editor. * Fix: Issue with ACF and Dynamic Gallery. * Fix: Issue were portfolio carousel block and product carousel block on the same page created a conflict * Fix: Issue with post grid carousel, autoplay, gap settings and missing styles. == 1.7.3 | 9th April 2022 == * Fix: Issue with meta font size in post grid block. * Fix: Issue with content padding and background in post grid block. == 1.7.2 | 9th April 2022 == * Fix: Issue causing error with post grid block when using a custom excerpt Length. == 1.7.1 | 8th April 2022 == * Fix: ACF Data issue. == 1.7.0 | 8th April 2022 == * Add: Dynamic list block. * Add: MetaBox dynamic source support * Update: Gallery can be dynamically sourced. * Update: Media as a dynamic source. * Update: Add unboxed styling for product carousel. * Update: Use Splide js for product carousel and post grid (drop jQuery requirement). * Update: Padding controls for Post Grid Carousel. * Update: AOS and Conditional settings have user visibility control. * Fix: Dynamic images missing alt text. * Fix: Issue with modal scrolling on iphone. * Fix: Issue with images missing srcset. * Fix: issue with post grid if initial style not selected. * Fix: Issue with filters in dynamic content not running properly. == 1.6.1 | 10th February 2022 == * Add: Option to clear animation settings. * Tweak: Possible issue with taxonomies. * Fix: Issue with dynamic fallback image in image block. == 1.6.0 | 14th January 2022 == * Add: taxonomy as a conditional display option. * Update: Dynamic content for image block. * Update: Add more Image ratio options for post and portfolio grid. * Fix: Conditionally display controls. == 1.5.11 | 23rd December 2021 == * Update: Prevent split content block from showing broken if advanced heading disabled. * Fix: issue with animate on scroll loading in sidebar. * Fix: Issue with modal and section not showing dynamic content correctly archive. == 1.5.10 | 20th December 2021 == * Fix: issue with dynamic content src archive description adding extra paragraph tag. == 1.5.9 | 14th December 2021 == * Fix: Issue with selecting multiple blocks. == 1.5.8 | 13th December 2021 == * Add: Conditionally Show Block via dynamic content. * Fix: Issue with links not rendering correctly in query block. == 1.5.7 | 7th December 2021 == * Update: Tweak some javascript around animation on scroll. * Update: API Class. * Update: Dynamic Content filters, better context control. * Update: Image overlay link field with clear link option. * Update: Split Content block cover image when text is larger then min-height setting. * Update: CSS specificity with post grid title color. * Update: MailChimp API requests item limit. == 1.5.6 | 5th November 2021 == * Add: Aria Label option to video popup. * Add: Mapping for fields for Webhook. * Add: Post Grid title hover color option. * Fix: Thumbnail gallery load layout shift. * Fix: Issue with Image overlay. * Fix: Issue with post grid selecting by custom taxonomy. * Fix: Issue with product carousel individual select. == 1.5.5 | 12th October 2021 == * Update: Dynamic content to work better in query block. * Fix: Modal z index. * Fix: Issue with color picker in some blocks. * Fix: IP address issue in entries. == 1.5.4 | 8th September 2021 == * Add: Mailchimp tag support. * Fix: Hex color input. * Fix: ACF Site Options. == 1.5.3 | 3rd September 2021 == * Update: Video Pop dynamic image. * Fix: Individual select for post grid. == 1.5.2 | 2nd September 2021 == * Add: More ratio options to slider. * Add: Dynamic content options to video popup. * Fix: Issue with image overlay and square ratio. * Fix: Custom Icons in widget blocks. * Fix: Order when individually selecting products. == 1.5.1 | 24th August 2021 == * Add: Text transform control to image overlay. * Add: Max width to image overlay. * Add: Basic Responsive support for split content in editor. * Update: Automatically exclude current post in post blocks. * Update: in Element preview with latest post using dynamic content. * Fix: issue with split content overlap. * Fix: Overlay color opacity select. * Fix: Post Block issue with google fonts when added to a sidebar. * Fix: Issue with widget screen. * Fix: Issue with post grid carousel in tabs. == - BETA | 23rd July 2021 == * Fix: License issue. == - BETA | 20th July 2021 == * Fix: issue with portfolio block. == 1.5.0 - BETA | 16th July 2021 == * Add: Page specific scripts. * Add: Beta Dynamic Content * Fix: Issue with swipe animation. * Fix: Issue with portfolio grid center mode. * Fix: Issue with portfolio grid column gap. * Fix: issue with thumbnails and 16:9 ratio. == 1.4.33 | 24th May 2021 == * Update: Split content image link settings. * Fix: Modal button border-radius setting. * Fix: Activation issue. == 1.4.32 | 7th May 2021 == * Update: Image overlay editor css. * Update: Slider JS for possible issue with accordion. == 1.4.31 | 3rd May 2021 == * Update: Portfolio Grid Carousel Block editor rest end points. * Fix: Issue with portfolio filter not wrapping if really large. * Fix: Issue with custom modal links not being tabbable. * Fix: Issue with image overlay focus state. * Fix: Issue with date meta output. * Fix: Issue with above taxonomy symbol. == 1.4.30 == * Fix: Issue with Modal Block Button not being tabbable. * Fix: User info block date localization. * Fix: Issue with Deactivating. * Fix: Issue with Masonry Portfolio Grid. * Fix: Issue with Border Width for Portfolio Grid. == 1.4.29 == * Update: Support ithemes Toolkit/Agency license. == 1.4.28 == * Update: Post Grid Carousel Block editor rest end points. * Update: Typography filter hooks. * Update: Toolset filters. * Fix: Slider Background image select. == 1.4.27 == * Add: New Controls for Countdown Block. * Fix: Form Entires export as CSV with WC not installed. == 1.4.26 = * Add: Form Entires export as CSV. * Update: Post Block filter for non latin language support. * Update: JSON upload allowance. == 1.4.25 == * Update: Styling issue with modal and toolset view. * Add: Option to turn off image link in post grid. * Update: Allow for auto responder message to have fields e.g. {field_1}. * Fix: Issue with animate on scroll. * Fix: Issue with image overlay letter spacing. == 1.4.24 == * Add: Shortcode rendering to modal when load content after footer. * Fix: Preview of order by "menu_order" * Fix: Issue with post grid css filter css. == 1.4.23 == * Fix: Issue with post grid added through element. * Fix: Issue with youtube embed not respecting start time. * Update: Post Grid with Menu Order option for query. * Update: Post Grid with option to open links in new tab. * Update: Post Grid no post action. == 1.4.22 == * Fix: Issue with auto response dynamic subject. * Fix: Issue with post grid needing excerpt. * Fix: Possible issue with modal close styling when placed outside. == 1.4.21 == * Add: Webhook Option to Kadence Blocks Form. == 1.4.20 == * Fix: Styling of modal when added in the footer. == 1.4.19 == * Add: Option in Modal to load content in footer (better support for modal placement outside of content area). * Fix: issue with video popup fullscreen option not showing. == 1.4.18 == * Add: New User Info Block. * Add: Excerpt Length Options to Post Block. * Add: Preset for Image Align Left to Post Block. * Fix: Mobile Font Size on Excerpt is not working on Post Grid/Carousel * Add: Time to form database entries. * Fix: youtube video popup auto play. * Fix: Issue with multiple post grids and filter items. * Fix: Issue with reveal animation. == 1.4.17 == * Add: New Image overlay image ratio options - 2:3 and 3:2 * Update: pot translation file. * Update: Mulish font. * Update: WPML post grid support. * Update: Send in blue api calls. * Fix: Issue with modal and slider inside. * Fix: post grid not showing 0 comments. * Fix: issue with masonry resize. * Fix: Issue with post grid and some themes. * Fix: Image overlay letter spacing issue. == 1.4.16 == * Fix: Possible issue with sendinblue in certain instances. == 1.4.15 == * Fix: issue with animation scripts not loading in elements. == 1.4.14 == * Add: Option for random order in post grid. * Update: Post grid max items to 300. * Fix: Issue with slider not loading. == 1.4.13 == * Add: Image size option to portfolio and post grid blocks. * Add: Option to turn off hover pause for slider. * Add: Option to allow sticky post in post grid block. * Add: Option for filter in Post Grid Block. * Add: Hook Custom icons into mega menu icons. * Update: Better support for global palette. * Fix: Issue with product carousel not showing enough posts when using individual. * Fix: Issue with range control. == 1.4.12 == * Remove: Modal class to prevent possible issues. * Fix: issue with post grid, left algin image width wasn't being respected. == 1.4.11 == * Fix: Possible Issue with excerpt color. == 1.4.10 == * Update: post grid block to load css in head. * Update: Video popup to use no cookie embed link. * Update: Post Grid with footer meta align bottom. * Update: Form, Mailchimp now with double opt in option. * Update: Post Grid uses global colors. * Fix: Issue with slider pause on hover. == 1.4.9 == * Fix: Product Carousel with storefront theme. * Add: Background overlay to slider. == 1.4.8 == * Fix: Modal block to allow more dynamic content. == 1.4.7 == * Fix: Modified date to post block. * Add: Border Radius to Post Block Container. * Add: Box shadow to Post Block Container. * Fix: Issue with portfolio grid in carousel fluid. == 1.4.6 == * Update: Video Popup Block to support different youtube urls (youtu.be and youtube-nocookie) * Fix: Portfolio Carousel height not working. * Add: AOS defaults. * Add: Better color controls to advnaced slider block. * Add: Modified date to post block. == 1.4.5 == * Fix: Issue with storefront theme and product block. * Fix: Issue with Send in blue subscribe. * Update: Allow html in title of admin post grid. == 1.4.4 == * Add: Focus highlght for portfolio grid block. * Add: Three new prebuilt layouts. * Fix: Post limit from pulling from settings > reading. == 1.4.3 == * Fix: Ratio slider for Tablet and Mobile. == 1.4.2 == * Add: Mailchimp subscribe to Email Form. * Add: Image size option for image overlay. * Add: Make Translatable "no posts". * Add: Exclude switch to posts block term selection. * Add: Show Unique to post block, excludes posts from showing in other blocks further down the page. * Add: Image size option for poster image in video popup. * Add: Video popup background, close color max width and on pop animation options. * Tweak: Pangiation to try and prevent a conflict. == 1.4.1 == * Fix: Update Issue. == 1.4.0 == * Add: Custom Icon Importer. * Fix: Isotope Conflict. == 1.3.9 == * Add: Send in Blue subscribe to Email Form. * Fix: Column Gutter when in grid layout and using filter. * Fix: Video Popup inherit image size bug. == 1.3.8 == * Fix: Best Selling in Product Carousel. == 1.3.7 == * Fix: Product Carousel Block. == 1.3.6 == * Add: Portfolio Grid/Carousel Block * Fix: Post Grid/Carousel Block Heading setting. * Add: Post Grid/Carousel Block option to choose a custom taxonomy for posts. == 1.3.5 == * Update: Remove icon front from slider js. * Update: Add Pro Prebuilt Template Layouts. == 1.3.4 == * Fix: Slider css bug. == 1.3.3 == * Update: Tweak how Blocks CSS is loaded, now only loads for blocks used on page. == 1.3.2 == * Update: Change how Blocks CSS is loaded, now only loads for blocks used on page. * Fix: Bug where modal was contained by row max width. == 1.3.1 == * Add: Support for custom css class in post grid blocks. == 1.3.0 == * Add: Pro Form Options == 1.2.10 == * Fix: Animation attributes not saving. == 1.2.9 == * Fix: PHP issue in some versions. == 1.2.8 == * Add: Allow Image Overlay to not have a link. * Add: Offset for Post Grid Block. * Add: Text Align to Post Grid Block. * Add: Options to have 60 posts in Post Grid Block. * Update: Translations issue. * Fix: Issue with split content block throwing error. * Prep: New Block Entries * Prep: New Form Block == 1.2.7 == * Add: New Advanced Slider Block. * Fix: Css Conflict * Fix: Css Bug with image overlay. == 1.2.6 == * Fix: Post Grid bug. == 1.2.5 == * Fix: Pagination if on the front page. == 1.2.4 == * Fix: Post Grid Carousel error when CPT doesn't support author or image. == 1.2.3 == * Fix: Split Content issue. * Add: Split Content animation options. == 1.2.2 == * Update: modal javascript to check child elements of modal trigger class. * Fix: Title, subtitle mobile font size for overlay block. == 1.2.1 == * Update: 5.9 support. == 1.2.0 == * Add: Video Popup Block. * Update: Image Overlay Block, full width title background. == 1.1.10 == * Fix: modal loading on shop page. == 1.1.9 == * Fix: CSS Padding issue SplitContent. == 1.1.8 == * Fix: Post Grid read more wrap class name. == 1.1.7 == * Fix: Mobile Modal issue. == 1.1.6 == * Fix: WC 3.6 Rest API Notice. == 1.1.5 == * Update: Add Custom Post type support for Post Grid/Carousel. == 1.1.4 == * Update: Modal, if nested fix z-index. == 1.1.3 == * Update: Modal, prevent scroll to top on open. * Update: Image Overlay, Add options to turn off subtitle, or title. * Update: Image Overlay, Add options for ratio size. * Update: Image Overlay, Add options for border side control. * Update: Add 1st Prebuilt Content. = 1.1.2 == * Update: Icons. * Update: Add Animation options to image overlay. * Add: New Product Carousel Block = 1.1.1 == * Fix: Issue slick slider. * Fix: Issue with Modal Background. * Update: Animation css. = 1.1.0 == * Fix: Issue image overlay color. * Fix: Issue with Modal overlay Color. * Add: Animate Cover Swipe support. == 1.0.9 == * Fix: Issue image overlay. * Add: Inital Animate on Scroll. == 1.0.8 == * Fix: Issue modal spacing, * Fix: Modal Close settings not showing. * Fix: Empty Span issue. * Update: Enable Activation through Theme API. == 1.0.7 == * Fix: Issue with Images in Post Grid * Add: New Modal Block * Update: CSS Loading. == 1.0.6 == * Fix: Font size Post grid. * Update: Change Carousel Arrow icons. * Update: Update footer text. * Fix: Script update for nested. == 1.0.5 == * Update: Remove attribute data from post grid. * Update: Fix Classname in html. == 1.0.4 == * Update: Typography Filter. * Update: Multisite license activation. * Update: Move css inline. * Add: Post Loop Grid or Carousel Block. == 1.0.3 == * Fix: Overlay subtitle size. * Update: SplitContent to allow offset and box shadow. == 1.0.2 == * Update: Add Split Content Block. == 1.0.1 == * Update: Gutenberg 4.1 updates. == 1.0.0 == * Initial Beta Release.